
Modified lockdown in Udaipur as per state government directives - District Collector proposes market timing protocol

While the standard directives will be followed by Udaipur in implementing the modified lockdown, the District Collector, after meeting the stake holders and members of the Jan Anushaasan Committee, has sent a proposal to the Home Department, suggesting panning out the markets across different parts of the day, to ensure that public movement is scattered and not congested during any hour.


Udaipur will implement the directives of the modified lockdown, as the district falls under the permitted zone, with positivty rate continuing below the benchmark 10% over the last one week.

The District Collector, meanwhile, after meeting the representatives and stakeholders across the district, has suggested that in order to ensure that there is no overcrowding during the permitted working hours of 6am and 11am, the regular markets (in point 1 below) be allowed to open from 12pm till 4pm on the non weekend curfew days.  This will ensure that public movement is distrbuted across the day and there is no congestion or overcrowding during the 6am till 11am window. A request to this effect has been sent to the Principal Secretary, Home Department, Government of Rajasthan, from the District Collectors office.

Till further modified orders are received depending upon the cogniscance taken towards this request from the Udaipur District Collector, Udaipur markets/businesses/offices will function as per the state directives elobarated below:

  1. All business units / shops: 6AM-11AM (Tuesday till Friday)
  2. No restrictions on movement of Motor mechanics, plumbers, electricians and IT Services providers (e-Pass mandatory)
  3. Dairy and Milk units: 6AM-11AM and 5AM-7PM (All days)
  4. Mandi, Fruit and Vegetable shops: 6AM-11AM (All days)
  5. Street vendors, Chai Thadi: 6AM-11AM (All days)
  6. Street vendors, Auto/Cycle rickshaw and Mobile vans selling fruits, vegetables: 6AM-5PM (All days)
  7. Pharmacies, Optics stores: Full Unlock
  8. Ration Shops: Full Unlock
  9. Sweet shops, restaurants, bakery: Take away till 11AM (Tuesday till Friday); Home delivery till 10PM on all days
  10. Home delivery from Sweet shops, restaurants, bakery to be permitted till 10PM
  11. Business Complexes will be allowed to function based on the floor plan (alternate floor plan opening protocol)
  12. Government offices allowed functioning from 9am till 4pm with 25% strength, which will increase to 50% from 7 June.
  13. Private offices with 25% work force till 2pm. Employers can generate e-passes.
  14. E-Mitra units to stay open till 4PM.
  15. Banking hours till 2PM.
  16. Intra-district vehicle movement between 5am till 12pm. Inter-district from 8 June.
  17. Roadways buses to ply from 10 June.

Any of the activities / businesses/ services not covered in the above list will be prohibited / restricted as per the regulations of the Three Tier Jan Anushaasan restrictions announced on 23 May 2021.