
You will soon be able to obtain a driver's license from RTO without having to take a driving test

The law will go into effect from 1 July


The Road and Transport ministry has issued a new guideling that allows you to obtain a driver's licence after successfully completing training at any of the government approved certified driving training centre. You will not be required to take a driving test again at any RTO. The catch is that you must finish the course and pass the test, both of which will be recorded electronically for audit purposes.

“This entire process will be tech-driven and without any human interference. The accreditation will be given to centres that meet the criteria of space, driving track, IT and biometric system and carry out the training as per prescribed syllabus. Once the centre issues a certificate, it will reach the motor vehicle licence officer concerned,” Ministry of Road and Transport.

For applying for a licence to operate a light motor vehicle, a learner should have 29 hours of training spread out over four weeks. The trainee should spend 21 hours of the 29 hours on practical training, including four hours on a simulator to familiarise him or her with diverse driving circumstances such as night driving, rain, and fog. The trainee must complete 38 hours of training, which comprises 16 hours of theoretical and 22 hours of practical sessions, in order to obtain a medium or heavy motor vehicle driver's licence (three hours on the simulator).

The law will go into effect from 1 July, which means that individuals and organisations interested in operating such driver training facilities can begin applying to state governments.

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