
Udaipur RBSE Result 2024: Girls Outperform Boys in 5th and 8th Grades 

Students who have scored Egrade will be eligible to sit for supplementary exams in July 2024


The results for the 5th and 8th grade RBSE exam 2024 have declared. One can find the mark sheets on the Shala Darpan portal (rajshaladarpan.nic.in) and the PSP portal (rajpsp.nic.in). 

In Udaipur district, the class 5th students recorded a pass percentage of 97.33, and the class 8th students recorded a pass percentage of 92.76. No students were marked as failed throughout the entire state of Rajasthan. Students who have achieved grade E will be eligible to sit for supplementary exams in July. Upon passing these exams, they will progress to the next grade. The results were released using a grading system.

Udaipur Ranking of 5th and 8th Class 

In the general outcomes, similar to the trends seen in the 10th and 12th grades, girls are surpassing boys in the 5th and 8th grades as well. Udaipur secured the 16th position in the 5th grade and the 30th position in the 8th grade according to the results. 

Number of Students Appeared from 5th Class

According to the report, a total of 69,475 students, including those from Salumbar, took part in the 5th grade examination conducted in Udaipur. Within this group, there were 36,265 boys and 33,210 girls. A cumulative of 67,490 students achieved success. Among them, 35,161 were male, and 32,329 were female.

Number of Students Appeared from 8th Class

In 8th grade examination outcomes in Udaipur (including Salumbar), a total of 54,034 students were included. Among them, there were 28,191 boys and 25,843 girls. Of these, 50,121 students successfully cleared the exam, with 25,656 being boys and 24,465 being girls. In the 8th grade, 3,906 students attained grade E.