
Cars damaged as Cement Concrete Road sinks at Ashok Nagar, Udaipur

The owners of the cars should seek compensation from the Udaipur Smart City Project as the responsibility of providing safe infrastructure falls on them

CC roads are less susceptible to damage by the environment, leakage of fuels from vehicles, and are more durable.

Two cars got damaged after a newly constructed Cement Concrete Road sank at Ashok Nagar.

This incident has once again brought to light the random, swift, unplanned and unacceptable work that is being done under the Smart City project in order to show project completion on paper and to secure higher rankings at the cost to the exchequer and at risk to human and animal life as well as damage to the city's property.

What happened early morning on Tuesday, 19 September is another example of this, and the BJP led Udaipur Nagar Nigam is solely to blame for the same. Two cars fell into the drain at Ashok Nagar after a newly built Cement Concrete (CC) road section sank all of a sudden. The continuous rain for two days seems to have once again exposed the extremely poor quality of road construction by contractors, who have been awarded contracts by  the Udaipur Municipal Corporation under the Udaipur Smart City Project, probably giving an oversight to the technical review of the project.

Fortunately, the CC sank when no people or animals were near the site and when the cars that fell into the ditch were  unoccupied. A major accident could have happened and people could have been seriously injured.This is not the first time that poor work on sewerage work on roads or poor construction  of cement roads or asphalt roads have been exposed in Udaipur. There have been many cases recently and local media has been regularly reporting  poor road construction to report this matter to the UMC< but no one seems to be taking cogniscance to the warnings.

It is very important to raise questions on the construction work done under Smart City in the city. The rain has once again raised questions on the construction work of Udaipur Municipal Corporation and Smart City, costing the exchequer as well as putting the lives of animals and humans in danger.

Advantages of a CC Road
Concrete Cement (CC) roads are useful because vehicles consume 15% to 20% less fuel on CC roads than on asphalt roads. CC road generates less polluting gases. it is less susceptible to damage by the environment, leakage of fuels from vehicles, and is more durable.

Reported by Sohail Khan, Arif  Qutub - Udaipur