
Serum Institute to start Covid-19 vaccine trials on 7-11 YO

India's drug regulator has given SI the permission for vaccine trials on children.

SI made vaccine Covishield has already been administered to over 870 mn adults. 

Trial of the vaccine onn 12-17 YO is already being conducted and is reportedly safe to be administered.

The Indian government has allowed Serum Institute to conduct Covid-19 vaccine trials on children in the age group of 7-11 years.

Covishield has already been administered to more than 870 million adults in India. The subject expert panel said that the drug regulator has allowed SI to conduct trials on 7-11 year old after detailed deliberation.

Trials are already going on for children between 12-17 years of age and have reportedly proved to be successful.

It may be noted that so far only ZyCoV-D has received emergency use approval among adults and children above the age of 12 years in India.