
Solar Man of India Proposes Energy Independence Through Conscious Consumption

Prof. Chetan Singh Solanki proposed a principle he termed AMG...


In a recent journalist dialogue held at Vidya Bhavan Polytechnic, renowned as the Solar Man of India, Professor Chetan Singh Solanki, shared his views of energy independence through conscious consumption. Addressing enlightened youth and environmental enthusiasts, Solanki proposed a principle he termed AMG - Avoid, Minimize, Generate. 

Prof. Chetan Singh Solanki, an educator and researcher at IIT Bombay, is currently on unpaid leave. He is also an innovator and teaches the Happiness Program for the Art of Living. According to Solanki, by avoiding unnecessary energy usage in one-third of cases and minimizing consumption in another third, then only one-third will be needed for solar energy generation. This, he suggested, could potentially eliminate the necessity for coal-based electricity production at the national level and significantly reduce the environmental footprint.

The Solar Man of India’s vision extends to every household in the country achieving energy independence by 2030, facilitated by small-scale solar power generation. His journey, spanning over 11 years and more than fifty-five thousand kilometers, has connected millions to this campaign.

Highlighting the urgency of the issue, Solanki emphasized the finite nature of natural resources and the escalating demand caused by increasing consumption patterns. He believes that individual efforts, such as energy fasting, can collectively alleviate the strain on the planet.

Energy fasting, as proposed by Solanki, involves simple yet impactful measures like foregoing the use of motor vehicles for a day or opting for uncooked meals, wearing clothes without ironing for a day, not using soap or shampoo for a day and not using soap or shampoo for a day. These changes, he argues, can significantly reduce carbon emissions and foster a culture of energy self-reliance. . Limiting our needs is an important step towards energy independence.

The dialogue also saw contributions from notable figures such as Rahul Gaur, National Coordinator of Students for Development, Professor Komal Singh Rathore from BN University, and Prakash Sundaram, Head of the Department of Polytechnic. The coordination of the event was overseen by Principal Anil Mehta.

Professor Solanki's message resonates with a growing awareness of the need for sustainable practices in the face of climate change. His call for conscious consumption and renewable energy adoption underscores the role of individual actions in shaping a more sustainable future.