
Teacher Stars Program: To Promote competency-based teaching in government schools

Teachers are required to create a two-minute video presentation...


In a bid to spotlight the innovative teaching practices of educators and promote competency-based teaching in government schools, the Secondary Education Department has launched the 'Teacher Stars of Rajasthan' program. This initiative aims to foster a better understanding of competency-based teaching among teachers and showcase their innovations to a global audience. Under the program, teachers are required to create a two-minute video presentation showcasing their innovative teaching methods. These videos will be uploaded for evaluation by a panel of experts, who will assess them based on specific criteria. The criteria for evaluation include the clarity of core concepts, the efficiency of the teaching approach, pedagogical application, and overall effectiveness.

The 'Teacher Stars of Rajasthan' program not only celebrates the achievements of dedicated educators but also seeks to inspire and disseminate effective teaching practices that can benefit students in government schools across the region. This initiative is expected to make a significant contribution to the advancement of education in Rajasthan.

Fellow teachers will have the opportunity to cast their votes as part of the selection process. The top-performing teachers in the creation of teaching videos will advance to the next phase. These selected videos will be shared with all teachers across the state, enabling them to view their preferred videos and participate in the voting process to determine the best one.

Teachers who receive the highest number of votes from their colleagues will be invited to the directorate to reshoot their video. To recognize and celebrate their achievements, a special ceremony will be organized, during which the selected teachers will be presented with certificates as tokens of appreciation.