
Ayad river rejuvenation: Project still remains unfinished

Smart city officials working diligently to overcome the delays


The revitalization project for the Ayad River initially budgeted at Rs 75 crore, has experienced a significant one-year delay. This delay can be attributed to multiple factors, with the National Green Tribunal (NGT) imposing penalties at the project's outset and continuous water inflow further hampering progress. The initial phase of the project encountered difficulties as penalties were imposed by the NGT due to environmental concerns. These penalties led to budgetary adjustments and logistical challenges that slowed down the work. 

Subsequently, the project faced additional setbacks when continuous water inflow hindered construction efforts. Managing the water inflow and ensuring a safe and efficient work environment proved to be a complex challenge for the authorities. To mitigate these challenges, the project is currently focusing on emptying the river of water and proceeding with work on the central channel. This approach is expected to expedite progress and help the project get back on track. 

Originally projected at Rs 900 crore, the river's restoration project has been scaled down significantly to Rs 75 crore. Under this revised budget, the initial phase of the project is dedicated to the rehabilitation of a 5-kilometer section of the river. Smart City officials have commenced the tendering process for this specific segment's revitalization. While the initial timeline called for completion within 8 months, the project has faced a one-year delay. 

This river serves as the conduit for the outflow of water from Pichola and Fateh Sagar lake, which ultimately finds its way to Udai Sagar Lake. Over the years, the water quality of this river has deteriorated significantly due to the discharge of sewage and the presence of polluted drains. Extensive efforts have been dedicated to the revitalization of this river, spanning several years. At long last, the project has received the final seal of approval, marking a significant step towards restoring and preserving the river's health and purity.

Smart city officials remain optimistic, suggesting that if the current plan unfolds without major hitches, the project is anticipated to be completed by February. They are working diligently to overcome the delays and ensure that the Ayad River's rejuvenation can be successfully realized in the near future.

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