Banswara: Mobile Phone Explosion Kills Man
Tragic incident occured at Malvasa village...
In a devastating incident, a man lost his life due to a mobile phone explosion while charging. The unfortunate event occurred in Malvasa village, merely 12 kilometers away from Banswara city, on Sunday. The victim has been identified as Jagmal, aged 44, who tragically succumbed to the explosion.
The explosion transpired as Jagmal inserted the charger pin into his mobile phone and connected it to the electricity board. The resulting blast was so forceful that it caused the entire board to collapse onto his chest.
Upon hearing the explosion, family members rushed to the scene, only to find Jagmal unconscious and severely injured. Jagmal was promptly rushed to MG Hospital in Banswara, where medical professionals declared him deceased upon arrival. Following the doctor's assessment, Jagmal's body was sent for post-mortem examination to ascertain the precise cause of death.
This tragic incident serves as a sobering reminder of the potential dangers associated with electronic devices, urging individuals to exercise caution during their use and charging.
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