
Udaipur Collector releases order - Lockdown 5 norms of state government applicable in Udaipur

Udaipur Lockdown 5: Udaipur gets 4 hours more - 2 on eachside of the day, non essential movement time is 5AM till 9PM.  
  • All shops, small eateries, take away to open
  • Hotels, Restaurants, Malls, Club Houses, Places of worship prohibited
  • Regular shop opening and novement time: 5AM till 9PM

Rajasthan State government orders of Lockdown 5 wef from June 1 – June 30 will override central government directives on Unlock 1.0 applicable from June 8.  Accordingly Udaipur will also operate ad verbatim the state governments orders.

With the Rajasthan Chief Minister reiterating that imposing a 4 hr notice lockdown across the country is easier, unlocking the same is easier said than done.  Udaipur Collector today released the district administrations orders on 1 June, as per guidelines given by Rajasthan government as it announced its Lockdown 5 guidelines, stepping away from the term Unlock 1.0 used by the Central government, however, following the prohibition guidelines.

While the central government has permitted a full scale opening up of activities outside the containment zones, the Rajasthan government is taking caution considering the mandate with the government on implementing guidelines taking into consideration the status of affairs in the state. Many activities that the central government has considered permitting from 8 June, have been prohibited by the Rajasthan government. Udaipur follows suit.

Those shops or establishments who are caught not adhering to norms will be sealed and pack and penalties willbe imposed. 

Permitted activities in non-containment areas (time zone – 5AM till 9PM):

(Udaipur was declared a no containment zone wef from 30 May, except for Surajpol, Ghantaghar police station areas and curfew clusters):

  • All standalone shops will be allowed to open – maintain social distance; not more than 5 customers in a big shop, not more than 2 in a small shop; no sales to those without masks
  • Barber shops, saloons, beauty parlors to open – disinfection protocols for each customer
  • Thelas, food stalls, chai shops kiosks to open – full compliance of norms and cleanliness
  • Marriage functions with restrictions (50 people) and approval of SDM
  • Funeral – 20 people
  • Government offices to functions with full strength
  • Private offices to function with full strength
  • No restriction on inter-state and intra-state movement of people - no separate pass required
  • Commercial bus, taxi, auto, cycle rickshaw permitted – ensure proper sanitization
  • Two people on two wheeler, maximum allowed in car as per seating capacity, 2 in auto, 2 in cycle rickshaw allowed
  • Plying of inter-state private buses allowed except in containment zones
  • Movement of Shramik trains, passenger trains, domestic air travel as per MHA SOPs

Prohibited activities (irrespective of containment or non containment):

(Though certain activities have been allowed by the Central government, state restrictions will still be in place)

  • Shopping Malls / Hotels / Restaurants / Club houses excepts sports facilities without audience, and take away facilities of restaurants
  • City bus services
  • Metro rail services
  • Schools, Colleges and other education institutes and training institutes
  • Cinema halls, gymnasiums, swimming pools, entertainment parks, theatres, bars, auditoriums, assembly halls and similar places
  • Places of religious worship
  • All international air travel of public

All movement between 9PM till 5AM will be restricted except for those on essential services, work pass for those hours and transport of goods. Those firms having approval for working between 9PM till 5AM will need to ensure that staff are not on roads in those hours.  Please also ensure that aged (above 65), childrend (below12) and pregnant women do not venture out of home unless it an essential