
Udaipur takes step to tackle air pollution with anti-smog guns

Collector issues directives at National Clean Air Program meeting


In an effort to combat the pervasive problem of air pollution in the city, specific measures are being taken to enhance air quality. Two anti-smog guns are set to be strategically placed in areas that have been identified as major sources of pollution, namely Suraj Pol, Udiya Pol, Chetak Circle, Delhi Gate and the Madri Industrial Area.

These anti-smog guns are innovative tools designed to disperse water droplets into the air, effectively capturing and removing airborne particulate matter and pollutants. By doing so, they play a crucial role in ensuring that the city's air remains free from harmful contaminants, leading to a healthier and more breathable urban environment.

The decision to install these anti-smog guns was a focal point of discussion during a district-level meeting for the National Clean Air Program, presided over by District Collector Arvind Poswal. The meeting served as a platform for coordinating efforts and providing clear directives to the relevant authorities tasked with implementing this initiative.

He stressed the importance of reducing air pollution levels within the city to a minimum. As part of the program, the municipal corporation will be responsible for installing anti-smog guns at all designated hotspots. Furthermore, the meeting called for the initiation of an awareness campaign aimed at enhancing the city's transportation system, and specific instructions were issued to the traffic police to develop a plan for this purpose.