
Vallabhnagar drenched in heavy rains, Dabok to Udaipur Highway rains anticipated

The water level of Vallabhnagar dam rises from its limit...


Since morning, the sky has been cloudy in Udaipur, and the Meteorological Department has forecasted a possibility of rain today. Meanwhile, the Vallabhnagar dam has reached its full capacity today, leading to water overflow. Consequently, the authorities have opened the dam gates. As a result, heavy rainfall occurred in the Vallabhnagar area for about half an hour. Furthermore, there are reports of heavy rain along the Dabok to Udaipur highway. 

As reported by the Water Resources Department, this morning, the water level of the Vallabhnagar dam, with a capacity of nineteen and a half feet, exceeded its limit, leading to the movement of the chadar (sluice gates). Consequently, the excess water is being released to the Badgaon dam from there. However, there is an issue with water hyacinth accumulation in the culvert pipe of the Rupavali river. Simultaneously, the water level in the Mansi Wakal dam, with a capacity of 581.2 meters, has also risen to 580.800 meters, and it is approaching the point of overflowing. 

Seven days ago, the water level of the Vallabhnagar dam had already surpassed 12 feet. As the big pond started filling to its maximum capacity, water rapidly flowed into the Vallabhnagar dam. After seven days had passed, the dam, with a capacity of nineteen and a half feet, began to overflow due to the continuous inflow of water.

The water from Udaipur's Udai Sagar lake directly flows into the Vallabhnagar dam. The gates of Udayasagar were opened in response to the rising inflow of water into the lake. Meanwhile, the water levels in Fateh Sagar and Swaroopsagar were decreasing. However, as soon as the larger pond, Fatehsagar, reached its full capacity, the excess water swiftly flowed towards Udai Sagar, leading to its rise in water level. In the last 24 hours, Kotra received a total of two inches of rainfall, while Bawalwada recorded 36 mm of rain. 

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