
Water Pollution Alert in Fatehsagar-Swaroop Sagar Link Canal Raises Concerns

Drain discharging polluted water into the link canal...


In a recent development, concerns have been raised about water pollution in the Fatehsagar-Swaroop Sagar link canal, situated behind the municipal nursery. Tejashankar Paliwal, a former member of the Lake Development Authority, highlighted issues after observing impurities and an unpleasant odor in the water.

Investigation Unveiled a Disturbing Reality

A polluted stream discreetly entering the canal, unnoticed like a hidden cascade. Local workers disclosed that the source of the contamination is a drain discharging polluted water into the link canal.

Expressing deep concern, Paliwal pointed out that the polluted water, allegedly originating from a hotel behind the Link Canal, is negatively impacting the quality of drinking water. He stressed that this contamination poses potential threats, including distress and diseases in aquatic life. The presence of viruses in the contaminated water and a deficiency of dissolved oxygen further add to the urgency of the matter.

Paliwal called upon Udaipur Municipal Corporation to take swift action in addressing this environmental issue. The implications of neglecting this situation could lead to severe consequences, affecting not only the aquatic ecosystem but also the overall well-being of the community relying on this water source. 

Source: Rajasthan Patrika