
Zydus Cadila begins trials on 12-18 year olds

The vaccine is likely to be available by early September.

Experts say that the 3rd wave may hit children. 

The perception of threat has increased the focus on vaccination of children at the earliest. 

Children need to be vaccinated at the earliest as the possibility of the 3rd wave cannot be overlooked. Experts say that the 3rd wave may hit children and vaccination is the only way to keep the children safe.

Zydus Cadila has begun clinical trials on 12 to 18 year olds in view of the threat of 3rd wave. The authorization of the indigenously manufactured vaccine will come within weeks. The vaccine is likely to be in the market by August end or early September post which the vaccine will be administered to children. 5 crore doses of Zydus Cadila vaccine will be available by December end.

In addition, 3rd phase of Covaxin trials will end by September and the vaccine will be administered to the children in age group of 2 to 18 by 2022. The expert panel says that the vaccines must be administered to the children at the earliest because of the threat of 3rd wave and because it has become extremely important to open schools for the children.

WHO Chief Scientists while talking about Covaxin said that the overall efficacy of covaxin is quite high. It may be low against the Delta variant but it is still quite good.

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