
Neha Sakka - Udaipur girl represents India at International Women Summit 2020

Women are taught to depend on men right from their birth. First on their father or brother then on their husband and then on sons. They are equally powerful and capable, we need to accept their freedom, their leadership and most importantly we need to accept them making mistakes. We all make mistakes.

Neha Sakka of Udaipur represented the women of India at the "International Women Virtual Summit 2020, which was organized by the World Youth Organisation and National Awardees Federation of India on 30 August.

When it comes to abilities, all those who realize their potential are equal regardless of their gender. The same is now being proven all over the world. At this revolutionary time when women are showing their will-power and strength out loud to the world that once confined them to four walls, Neha Sakka, the daughter of the Lake City represented power of females in Udaipur by representing India at this summit. The summit, which was held online, was marked by the presence of Bhaskar Rao, IPS Director General of Police (Internal Security Karnataka) as the chief guest.  Dr. Javid Jamadar ( Chairman of World Youth Organization) was the main organizer of the event and JSR Annamayaa was the chief convener.

The international summit is estimated to be India’s biggest webinar with enthusiastic participation from 30+ countries. The summit was represented by highly motivated women influencers from China, Nepal ,Pakistan, Iran, Pithoragarh, Sudan, Kenya, Tanzania, Bangladesh, Zambia, Egypt, Cameroon, Lebanon, UAE, Zimbabwe, Burundi, Afghanistan, Russia and Congo. Neha was amongh two other participants from India, one from Raigad and the other from Nashik representing the women influencers of India.

Major issues such as Peace Education, Global Citizenship, Empowerment of the post COVID-19 generation, Youth Leaders for Social Transformation, Youth Engagement in Politics, Disabling Inequalities were among the topics discussed, with Woman Empowerment being the main discussion topic. Neha Sakka focused her energy on how global peace can be attained merely by teaching children to be patriotic towards the globe as a whole rather than limiting themselves to boundaries. Along with this she also spoke on how males are victimized vide their own domination.  This biggest online gathering of women from all possible fields, viz engineering, photography, scholars, business sectors, government, administration, start-ups, NGOs, lawyers, doctors, psychologist, journalists, grass-root change makers suggests that women are making their way shedding all inhibitions. All the women realized that how diversity of land and culture has separated women across the globe yet they all bear the same discrimination through out.

“It is because of males being unaware that they are a victim too, of their own dominance, that they happen to be violent against females – both physically and mentally. They are not allowed to cry or feel sad in open, so they beat either the body or the soul out of rustration that was curbed for so long", said Sakka.

In continuation, she addressed on another issue “New concept of WORLDLISM". This new concept can be a strong foundation for Global Peace. Neha said, "we  are taught to feel patriotic about our country from the age of 3 and hence we inculcate patriotism only for a land demarcated by boundaries. Had we been taught to feel patriotic for the land all across the globe itself, we would be respecting all the lands and would never dare to hurt any land. This will completely eliminate any war or fights. Its should not be mistaken for anti-nationalism. It is also not about erasing the boundaries of all 195 countries to make one nation. It is about changing our perspective towards the boundaries. We see these 195 countries not as different factories but different department of same factory. Will one department hurt the other? Never.

The summit united women from all across the Blue Planet onto one screen making each female realize that though separated overseas they all share common pains on numerous issues, thus making a big family. The pride lies in the fact that the event was initiated by a male. All three foundation members were males who are working hard for appreciating women in all aspects.

Why is it a thing to be proud of? This certified that the long fought struggle of “Gender Equality” is paying off. As Bhaskar Rao said, “women are taught to depend on men right from their birth. First on their father or brother then on their husband and then on sons. They are equally powerful and capable, we need to accept their freedom, their leadership and most importantly we need to accept them making mistakes. We all make mistakes.“