
[VIDEO] Self-Injection on Face by Dr. Arvinder Singh at ARTH Busts all the Myths about Face injection and created history

People have many misconceptions about facial injections on the face, such as there will be pain, damage to skin or bleeding issues, etc. Watch how Dr Singh puts to rest all these myths with this succesful experiment...

<a href=https://youtube.com/embed/2zONTkjCKR0?autoplay=1><img src=https://img.youtube.com/vi/2zONTkjCKR0/hqdefault.jpg alt=""><span><div class="youtube_play"></div></span></a>" style="border: 0px; overflow: hidden"" style="border: 0px; overflow: hidden;" width="640">

Dr. Arvinder Singh, CEO and World Record Holder of Arth Skin surprised everyone with his unique experiment by applying multiple injections and cannula on his face. This is the first video of its kind in which a doctor injected himself on his face and proved that a trained doctor can inject without any pain even on a delicate place like the face. Dr Arvinder is Swedish Academy certified for painless injections on face and body.

Dr Singh said that at Arth Skin Centre, patients come for Cosmetology related problems like melasma, acne scars, pigmentation, face glow etc. Some people have many misconceptions about injection on the face, such as there will be pain, damage to skin or bleeding issues. To clear all these misconceptions, Dr Singh released this video in which he is seen doing procedures like injection, cannula and nanoneedle on his face.

He said that when I can show myself in front of everyone, then it is clear that there is neither pain nor any other kind of trouble. He expressed the hope that this will resolve misconceptions about face injection among the general public and will increase more confidence in the doctors.