Panther sighted near residential area - Bedla Audhi, Udaipur
Pictures of the Panther roaming freely on the hill of Bedla Audhi were captured by Shivendra Jadon of Udaipur
Jul 2, 2020, 22:23 IST
We are seeing amazing things during and after the lockdown.
A panther was sighted today evening at the Bedla Audhi, which is surrounded by residential areas and is adjacent to the IEVO company building. The pictures were captured by Shivendra Jadon, who on an alert, reached the location and took pictures of the wild beast.
"I received call from a friend ,who works nearby that panther has come to this audhi. I immediately rushed to the place ,taking my camera. This place is nearly 3 kms from my house and surrounded by arid forest. This audhi is up on the hill visible from nearby area. Approach up hill is restricted by dense thorny vegetation ,decided to capture it from half way mark. It's amazing experience to see panther freely roaming so close to your house." - SHIVENDRA JADON, Wildlife and Nature Photographer
Here are the images that were captured by him in close proximity for as long as the panther was around - an eye to eye capture.