
Helping Hands in the Lockdown | Udaipur Bohra reformists provide medical services and food to needy

Food is being prepared in the Bohra Community Kitchen and is packed under hygienic conditions and being delivered with full care. Medicines also being distributed to the needy

The team from the community along with volunteers is covering major labour areas of Udaipur and is distributing around 300 tiffins everyday

Medicines, Gloves and Masks are also being distributed where needed

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By: Razia Sanwari

About 20 volunteers of the Bohra Youth Sansthan, including Anees Meyaji and Shabana have been distributing more than 300 food packets a day in Udaipur, since the second day of the lockdown declared by Prime Minister Modi to fight the Corona Virus pandemic.

Bohra Reformists also run the Bohra Youth Medical Relief Society (BYMRS), which is active in serving the needy under the Covid-19 lockdown, particularly daily wage labourers who are unable to earn their daily wages and forced to go hungry.

Local administration has given official permission to the Reformists to carry on their relief work within the City. The Reformists are continuing their relief work in labour camps, which are home to daily wage labourers, while travelling with their ambulance.

Food is prepared in the Bohra community hall and hygienically packed. The pack includes one vegetable dish, chapattis, rice and bottled water. Local Bohra ladies are pitching in to make the chapattis in their homes and that brings down the cost of preparing the food pack.

“The quantity is sufficient for two meals and we want to keep it simple so that we are able to continue for a longer time based on the funds we have” - Anees Miyaji, Secretary, Bohra Youth Sansthan, Udaipur and President - Bohra Youth Medical Relief Society (BYMRS).

Anees further said that they take utmost care in preparation of the food pack under hygienic conditions. The volunteers take all the precautions required to prevent spread of Covid-19 while distribution. The volunteers are equipped with face masks, sanitizers and gloves.

Food being prepared and packed in hygienic conditions

Apart from food packets, the volunteers are also distributing masks and sanitizers to those who cannot afford to buy them. They also carry with them medicines which are given to the poor as per requirement. BYMRS, in fact, is also selling at its Bohra Youth Medicare Center masks and sanitizers to the general public at highly discounted rates.

This initiative is being highly appreciated by all those who are benefiting from it in these trying times. As the information is spreading of the food distribution programme, there is more demand. The team is making all efforts to ensure their needs are fulfilled. One such area is the Khanjipeer Kachchi Basti, which is home to scores of daily wage workers who are now struggling to make both ends meet. Then there are a few residents at Bohrawadi itself who are aged or ailing, live alone and are unable to go out to buy food.

Expenditure for all the above is being met by donations from community members, which are being solicited and accepted. Community members have been forthcoming with generous gestures. If there is a dearth of finances in the future then there is plan to seek assistance from the different institutions of the reformist groups in Udaipur.

Community needs to rally around in such extraordinary circumstances where other issues have to take a backseat, says Anees. He adds that this distribution network has been created to cater to all those who are needy, regardless of their caste or creed, and their food and medical needs are being taken care of. And this effort will continue till as long as required.