
Kiyana to represent India in Asian School and World School Chess Tournament

The chess prodigy from Udaipur was welcomed on her return after taking second place in the 10th National School Chess Tournament at Orissa


Kiyana Parihar, the Chess prodigy from Udaipur was given a warm welcome on her return to Udaipur after winning second place at the National School Chess Tournament.

The 10th National School Chess tournament was organised by the Orissa State Chess Association at Bhubhaneshwar from 16-20 May. Kiyana took second place in the Under 7 age group and now she will be a part of the Indian contingent that will participate in the Asian and World School Chess tournaments.

Kiyana began playing Chess under her father's guidance from the age of 2 1/2 years and then was placed unde professional coaching as she grew older. As a mentor and coach, Vikas Sahu from Udaipur has been training her for the last 12 months. In the aforementioned tournament, the nine round match ended with TS Sharvanika and Kiyana scoring 8 points each, but Sharvanika took the first place on technical competency.