IIM Udaipur's annual sport's fest Utkrisht'21 draws to a memorable finale
-Utkrisht’21 was held on 27-28th February
-A mix of 7 e- sports were heldwith a pool money of 1.2L
-Over 150 Local and national colleges participated in the event
IIM Udaipur organized its annual sports fest ‘Utkrisht’ from 27th to 28th February 2021. The event was conducted online for the first time while overcoming the restraints caused by the pandemic and had a footfall of 1100+ people.
This year, Utkrisht’21 was bigger and better than its inaugural version last year with a pool prize of Rs 1.2 Lakhs.
Carrying forward its tradition of success and fostering a sportsmanship culture, Utkrisht’21 saw enthusiastic participation from various local and national colleges. The IIMU community also participated in large numbers virtually, cheering for the participants along showing their support for the players.
The event saw a mix of 7 e-sports: CS-GO, Call of Duty Mobile, DOTA 2, IPL Auction, Chess, Poker and Fantasy Football. Utkrisht’21 concluded with the prize distribution of Udaipur Runs and a live performance of Mr. Aakash Gupta, who enamored the audience with his wit and humour.
Multiple prominent brands such as Secure Meters (Title Sponsor), HDOR (platform partner), Udaipur Kiran (Digital Media Partner), MAD(Cause partner), My FM (Radio Partner), Pyrotech (Charity Partner) and Udaipur Blog (Outreach Partner) provided their support to Utkrisht’21.
Utkrisht’21 was the third edition of IIM Udaipur’s annual sports fest, which aims to help the IIMU community develop and inculcate a sporting culture and foster a team spirit.