
Girl deceived by fraud face book friend

Do not trust social media completely, you could be the next victim.


A girl became a victim of fraud face book friend who deceived her of one lakh rupees. The fraud person is untraceable as of now.

Nehal Siroya was in regular contact with a ‘friend’ on face book. This person pretended to be her childhood friend who Nehal claims lives in America. She was deceived by the picture of her friend Chirag Gupta in the face book profile. One day while chatting with Nehal over face book, this so called Chirag informed her that his mother was admitted in Apolo Hospital in New Delhi for kidney treatment. He said that his mother’s kidney had stopped functioning and he was short of money. The treatment required 2 lakh rupees. Since Nehal was too convinced with Chirag’s photograph on this person’s face book ID, she did not suspect a foul play. She spoke to her friends and relatives and collected an amount of 1 lakh rupees and transferred the money as per given account number.

After transferring the amount, Nehal called up on the number given by this person. When a contact could not be established, she tried to check the face book ID for another number. To her utter shock, Nehal found that she had been blocked from that person’s ID. She realised that she had been duped. Police were informed. Nehal’s parents spoke to a few people about this incident and they learnt that some more people have been duped in similar way.