Lakes of Udaipur get a pristine look after discontinuation of fuel run boats from 1 October

The restriction  on fuel run boats ia a necessity to maintain the green quotient of the City of Lakes

Double Decker Boat to Start Soon in Lake Fatehsagar

Subsequent to the Rajasthan High Court order on forbidding operation of fossil-fuel powered boats in the lakes, the Udaipur administration has put a stop to boats running on petrol and diesel. With effect from 1 October, petrol and diesel boats operating at Fatehsagar and Pichhola have been completely stopped and so has the throng of tourists in these locations. Of course, those tourists who come to enjoy the pristine element of these lakes continue to visit these lakes.

In order to decrease the pollution levels as well as maintain the quality of water in these water reservoirs of Udaipur, the Rajsthan High Court had given this order 6 months ago, giving time for the operators to take cogniszive action and get their boats to be solar or battery powered.

One of the most well-known places to take a boat tour in Udaipur is Fatehsagar Lake. In addition to having the opportunity to paddle across turquoise waters, rides can be picturesque. Similarly, Lake Pichhola's beauty is greatly enhanced, especially at night, by the lighting that surrounds it. While earlier tourists were seen enjoying the boat rides at nigh, now the lakes has a deserted look since no boats are operating. Of the 96 fossil fuel-powered boats operating in Fatehsagar and Pichhola lake, 78 boats operate in Lake Pichola and 28 are in Fatehsagar. Boat operators have filed and appeal opposition to the High Court order. 

The court extended its inquiry to learn to what extent the use of hydrocarbon fuel poses a harm to the lake ecology in addition to investigating justification for imposing sanctions on the organization of water sports and recreational activities in the lake under compliance with the court's orders.