Bus Fares Surge During Diwali Festivities
Bus fares are expected to gradually decrease and return to regular rates within a few days

Due to the festival of Diwali, travel operators have significantly increased bus fares. This surge in prices has been observed especially on long-distance routes, where fares are now one and a half times the usual rates.
Increased Passenger Load
The rise in fares coincides with a notable increase in passenger load. Many tourists and residents of Mewar returning home to celebrate Diwali have contributed to the higher demand for bus services.
Highest Fare Increases on Key Routes
Private bus operators have responded to this demand by raising fares quickly. The most significant fare hikes are seen on buses traveling to Surat, Vadodara, and Mumbai, with fares increasing by up to one and a half times.
Udaipur to Jaipur and Delhi
Buses running from Udaipur to Jaipur and Delhi have also seen fare increases, with prices rising by Rs 200/- to Rs 300/-. This rise is partly due to the heavy traffic from trains and government buses on these routes.
Future Fare Trends
Travel operators indicate that fare increases will continue until Panchami. Despite the higher rates, the passenger load remains substantial due to the festive season. However, after Panchami, as the number of travellers declines, bus fares are expected to gradually decrease and return to regular rates within a few days.
Source: Media Reports