Jizera Mountain Beechwood in Czech Republic placed on UNESCO World Heritage List
The national natural reserve of the Jizera Mountain Beechwood covers an area of about 27 square kilometres and is located on the northern slopes of the Jizera Mountains. Its unique nature is evidenced by its inclusion on the UNESCO World Natural and Cultural Heritage list. The beechwood has thus become the first natural reserve in the Czech Republic to be included on the list.
The factor which makes the Jizera Mountain Beechwod unique is its state of preservation. All activities will therefore be planned with maximum regard for the protection of the natural heritage and the prevention of mass tourism in the mountains. For a long time, the region has called for adhering to the principles of correct behaviour in nature. In the past, it created its own “10 Rules on How to Behave in Nature” and now presents the list in the form of printed materials as well as on its website.
For the autumn of this year, the Jizerky Tourist Region is preparing a campaign connected with the presentation of the Jizera Mountain Beechwood. Although the name of the natural reserve suggests that it is an area full of beech trees, the character of the area is not formed by the trees alone. The beechwood also includes rocky outcrops of various shapes, unique rocky lookout points and astonishing waterfalls on rivers.
Due to its sloping terrain, it is mostly accessible only by foot (with the exception of Viničná cesta). The magic of the Jizera Mountain Beechwood lies in its calm harmony, natural wisdom, and beauty at every time of the year. The autumn invitation to the Jizera Mountain Beechwood will be presented by the region on Facebook, Instagram (VisitJizerky) and on the website www.jizerky.cz.