
Udaipur Railway Station: Payment through QR Code

The Railways have introduced online payment through QR Code scanning both at the Udaipur City Railway Station as well as Rana Pratap Nagar Station.

Passengers booking tickets on the reservation counters at Udaipur Railway Station will not be able to pay online through QR Code. The Railways have introduced online payment through QR Code scanning both at the Udaipur City Railway Station as well as Rana Pratap Nagar Station.

CRIS has installed these devices at the railway reservation booking counters and passengers can pay after a QR Code is generated (when they mention that they would like to pay online). Till this system was implemented, passengers needed to disclose their UPI ID, if they needed to pay online. When asked  for UPI ID, some passengers did not remember the ID and the others, while searching for their UPI ID, used to exceed the waiting time for online payment, making the counter staff book their ticket again.