Udaipur City Bus Service from TB Hospital to Geetanjali Hospital

Udaipur City Bus Route 16 from TB Hospital to Geetanjali Hospital Udaipur

Residents of Udaipur will be able to access the services of Geetanjali Hospital at Eklingpura in a more convenient manner, after the Udaipur Municipal Corporation and the Geetanjali collaborated to allocate one of the new Bus Routes directly to Geetanjali Hospital.

Accordingly, the Bus Route # 16 will operate between TB Hospital at Badi and Geetanjali Hospital at Eklingpura.

Bus Route #16 will follow pass through the following stations:

TB Hospital - Badi > Badi Village > Dewali > Fatehpura Chauraha > Chetak Circle > Court Chauraha > Delhi Gate > Surajpol > Sikh Colony > Sevashram Bridge > Hiran Magri Sector 3 > Hiran Magri Sec 4 > Hiran Magri Sec 5 > Hiran Magri Sec 6 > Hiran Magri Police Station > Satellite Hospital > Eklingpura Cshauraha > Geetanjali Hospital.

Tickets will be priced Rs.5, Rs.7, Rs.10, Rs.15 and Rs.20 and will also be discounted at 50% for Senior Citizens, Students and specially-abled people.

The Bus service was inauguranted on 8 August in the presence of Ankit Agarwal, Exec Director of Geetanjali Group; Rishi Kapoor, COO at GMCH; Dr. Harpreet Singh, Medical Superintendent at GMCH and other department heads.