
Udaipur Airport: Record-Breaking 13,636 Flights Operated in 2023

First Time in 11 Years...


15.18 Lakh Tourists Arrived in Udaipur 

In 2023, Maharana Pratap Airport in Dabok, Udaipur experienced a significant milestone with a record-breaking arrival of 1,518,001 passengers on 13,636 flights. This marked the first occurrence of such a high number in 11 years. The figure is notably higher, showing an increase of 318,000 compared to the 11.99 Lakh travelers in 2022.

The rise in air travel is seen as good news for tourism in Udaipur. On the one hand, it is expected to enhance the tourist industry, and on the other hand, there are ongoing efforts to bring international flights to Udaipur Airport. The necessary paperwork for this initiative is currently underway.

Director Yogesh Nagayach shares that they are actively working to have more flights at the airport and establish air connections to Udaipur from various big cities in the country. The rising number of travelers is also making Udaipur more appealing to tourists. The airport is continually enhancing facilities for the convenience of travelers, covering arrivals, departures, seating, dining, shopping, and more.

Demands to Start Direct Flights to Pune and Goa

People have been requesting direct flights from Udaipur Airport to Pune and Goa for a long time. In Pune, many young individuals from Udaipur and the surrounding area live for education and work. If direct flights to Pune start, it is expected that more passengers will use the service. 

The lack of direct flights from Udaipur to Goa is causing challenges for both domestic and international tourists traveling between the two places. Currently, one must take a connecting flight from Ahmedabad to travel between Udaipur and Goa. 

Year Aircraft Movement Passenger
2013 6351 418857
2014 6522 459632
2015 7803 581699
2016 10268 1057149
2017 12672 1095632
2018 11987 1345521
2019 5823 1317352
2020 8455 526407
2021 10371 838829
2022 10371 1199614
2023 13636 1518001

Source: Dainik Bhaskar