Bohras Celebrated 101 Birthday of Syedna

On the occasion of the 101st birthday of the spiritual leader of the Dawoodi Bohra community, His Holiness Syedna Mohammad Burhanuddin, a live telecast of a sermon by the Syedna took place on Tuesday afternoon. The Syedna is celebrating the occasion with his people in the city of Surat this year. A large gathering of well-wishers and followers of the Syedna gathered at Surat to participate in the ceremonies.

Bohras Celebrated 101 Birthday of Syedna

On the occasion of the 101st birthday of the spiritual leader of the Dawoodi Bohra community, His Holiness Syedna Mohammad Burhanuddin, a live telecast of a sermon by the Syedna took place on Tuesday afternoon.

The Syedna is celebrating the occasion with his people in the city of Surat this year. A large gathering of well-wishers and followers of the Syedna gathered at Surat to participate in the ceremonies.

As per information provided by Dr. B Momin, spokesperson of the Dawoodi Bohra Shia’a group, the moment the Syedna entered the masjid in a palanquin, the people present there chanted ‘Mubarak Mubarak Maula Mubarak”.

The Syedna then took stage with his son and successor Mufaddal Bhai Sahab Saifuddin and commenced the sermon that was telecast live across the globe.

In his message to the people, the Shehzada Mufaddal Bhaisaheb Saifuddin elaborated on the accomplishments of the Syedna – his efforts on social welfare, peace, communal harmony and upliftment of the poor.

Addressing the youth of the community, Mufaddal Bhaisaheb Saifuddin emphasized on the good habits, and on staying away from harmful activities like alcohol, gambling and tobacco.

He also said that interest (riba) is haram or disallowed as per the teachings of Islam and followers should abstain from giving as well as receiving interest.

The sermon continued with Maatam on the narration of the martyrs of Karbala and ended with the narration of the martyrdom of Imam Hussain and prayers for the peace and development of the nation.

Photo provided by Dr. B Momin, Photo courtesy