The only media remained untouched with any political filth or selfish propaganda is internet where a common man can write his own opinion, discuss his view openly and share ideas and suggestions with like minded people. That’s why some of
the facebook pages are overflowing with young supporters of
social activist Anna Hazare who is on hunger till death strike against corruption and irregularities in India. Many social activists are using blogs to express their views in support of Anna Hazare and bashing the corrupt Indian politicians without fear. Tweets with certain specific
#hash tags are became
trending in last few days,
jantar mantar,
mera neta chor hai are some most trending topics on microblogging site The young Indians want freedom from corruption and need transparency in govt policies. Anna Hazare initiated the voice of deprived citizens of India and his voice is spread all over the world by the new age media known as internet,
social media. So the Euphoria is gaining steam minute by minute. Here are 7 best online resources where you can pen down your thoughts or join hands with Anna Hazare. 
Although it is not confirmed that this website is an official website of Anna Hazare but still, it has tons of information on everything related to life, mission, movements and achievements of this new age hero of India –
Kisan Bapat Baburao Hazare aka Anna Hazare. One can learn Anna’s early struggle in making his village known to the world as model village,
Ralegan Sidhhi.
Avaaz is something worth to join in. This is the most widely supported web page dedicated to Anna Hazare, there is an option where a user can register with the ongoing campaign. More than 300,000 people already registered with the campaign. And Everyminute the scale of memebers is raising.
India Against Corruption is a facebook page which is liked by nearly 160,000 people, highly active and electrified community. You can see tons of wall posts wriggling out corrupt politicians and dull policies. Youth are standing united in support of Anna Hazare, a great place to connect with Indians from all over the world for one common aim –
India Against Corruption.
This facebook page of Anna Hazare has more than 60,000 fans of Anna Hazare, all wishes and prayers by community members are giving confidence and hope to other facebook users. It simply says
“Anna we are with you” ……………
Join Anna Hazare To Bring The Jan Lokpal Bill 
The 20,000 people have raised their voice on this facebook page to stand with Anna’s mission to bring Jan Lokpal Bill. Indians which were divided into several castes, ethnicity and languages now looks dipped in one color i.e. Unity and with one common language i.e. Integrity.
Mera Neta Chor Hai!! 
Inspired by the Chetan Bhagat’s
striking editorial, this is a facebook version of it. More than 3000 people have already joined this one of the fastest growing facebook pages created in last few days. Centre of the attraction is pic of
“Mera Neta Chor hai” tattooed on a forearm and frequently used as a profile picture on social networks like facebook.
Support Anna Hazare 
This is where you can sign an online petition in support of Anna Hazare’s strong mission against Indian government who certainly failed to give a clean, non-corrupt environment in the country after its freedom. Nearly 3000 people have already signed the petition which has goal to get 100,000 signatures. Besides these webpages and user created online communities, there are tons of information available on other sites as well. Bloggers are playing an important role to make people aware of
what’s going on at Delhi’s Jantar Mantar from last few days,
who Anna Hazare is? and for what he is stick to fasting-till-death? Bollywood actors, socialists, economists, entrepreneurs and almost every ametuer and professional blogger of India has
raised their voice on their respective blogs. Microblogging site Twitter proved best to spread the mission of making India corruption free. You can even search
Anna Hazare’s most viewed videos