AAP in power: An Alternative Political Framework

AAP in power: An Alternative Political Framework

An unexpected emergence, that of the Aam Admi Party (AAP) as a ruling party with support from Congress- the oldest and a ruling party in its own strength for a long period both at the Center as well as in many states - in the National Capital of India has created an exciting situation both for the electoral politics and the mode of governance.

AAP in power: An Alternative Political Framework

An unexpected emergence, that of the Aam Admi Party (AAP) as a ruling party with support from Congress- the oldest and a ruling party in its own strength for a long period both at the Center as well as in many states – in the National Capital of India has created an exciting situation both for the electoral politics and the mode of governance.

The readers may recall that in an earlier write up titled ‘Kejriwal A New Phenomenon’ in Udaipur Times a few days back it was opined that his and AAP’s arrival will result in a paradigm shift in Indian polity. After the AAP’s takeover of governance in Delhi it seems that the resultant impact is unfolding accordingly.  An illustration of a few such instances, which are visible and evident,may be seen from below mentioned three examples.

The very first impact of its emergence as the second largest group in Delhi legislature was immediately felt when the BJP turned down the invitation to from the government when it emerged as the largest group with 34 MLAs – just two short of a simple majority necessary to form the government by resorting to inducing two ‘other’ MLAs for their support, a normal practice in the Indian scenario.

It simply means that they did not want to be seen as the one resorting to what is commonly known here as ‘Jod Tod’ politics or ‘horse trading’. In other words they showed that their politics is ‘value based’. Unfortunately for them the people’s perception of this credit went to AAP.

The second impact was witnessed in the swearing-in ceremony of AAP. No VIP enclosures, no elaborate security arrangements for any one special, no invitation to anyone from the ‘big’ category, travelling of the would be Chief Minister and other would be ministers along with their legislatures by local train/metro and private cars to the venue and completing the formality with clockwork precision with simplicity, all in the presence of a house full crowed.

One remembers the contrast witnessed a few days back at the swearing-in ceremonials held at Jaipur and Bhopal arranged by the BJP Chief Ministers-the cost of which must be mind boggling.

Third, the common man type first address delivered by Arvind Kejriwal at the Ram Leela ground after taking over as the CM of Delhi. The most impressive was the public statement that he and AAP were both not bothered about the ensuing Vote of Confidence in his government on 2ndJanuary, 2014.

The ball is in the court of Congress, it is that party which is bothered for, if they withdraw support it is they who stand to lose their credibility. One may recall that Congress had in the beginning given unconditional support and later on made it issue-based, thereby giving the impression of a rethinking on the issue.The other parts of his address weresincere commitments keeping in mind the pitfalls in his path.

Notwithstanding the above the performance of the Aam Aadmi Party in Delhi till now may be viewed to have put our traditional politicians on notice.All parties will have to play the game by the new rules that AAP has invented, if not in the country as a whole but at least in the National Capital.

Further, on the eve of their stellar performance in Delhi, Kejriwal and other leaders from AAP have given the impression that they may extend their experiment beyond Delhi.

The statement of a senior leader Yogendra Yadav to the effect that their next target is now Haryana may have not been lost on all concerned. Apart from this the prospect of the AAP emerging as a third force, is being discussed by the political analysts these days.

Regular readers of news papers would recall that many of these analysts including seasoned politicians had written them off earlier in very disdainful terms.

Lately a spokesman from Congress has opined that AAP does not have an ideology of its own. In the present scenario, in public perception issues and agenda count more than ideologies. Thinking population have understood the game played by our politicians.  They have realized that ideologies are only camouflages to garner votes. After the elections they are hung and kept in readiness for the next round.

At present corruption at all levels, non availability of affordable public services, absence of transparency in the work culture, concentration of power and price rise are the issues that override the centrist-right-left-identity politics of the political parties. AAP’s focus on these issues and a time bound agenda for their implementation has worked in their favour.

Apparently, this very strategy will make them popular all around in the future.

However, all will depend on their performance in office now that they have put themselves as rulers of Delhi. On their part people should also give them enough settling time and keep the standards of their expectations to a reasonable and achievable level.

As for Kejriwal, he is on a severe test. One hopes that he would work sincerely and pass this test like he has passed many in the past. His party workers and colleagues would do well to keep modesty in mind while working and making statements.

The whole world will be watching them with keen interest.

Finally, and conclusively, the Nation will NOT like this experiment to fail.

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