Business is business

Business is business

On a hot summer afternoon, while we are busy trudging through our mundane tasks, that very moment we get a call from an unknown number. Inspite of being busy, curiosity tolls over though and we pick up the call. All we hear though, is a call centre agent telling us about the company’s latest plans. Highly exasperated and with a big thud we put down the phone after having sworn at him/her.


Business is businessOn a hot summer afternoon, while we are busy trudging through our mundane tasks, that very moment we get a call from an unknown number. Inspite of being busy, curiosity tolls over though and we pick up the call.

All we hear though, is a call centre agent telling us about the company’s latest plans. Highly exasperated and with a big thud we put down the phone after having sworn at him/her.

Well, our exasperation on that poor caller is not warranted. After all, he is doing whatever he is supposed to do – Business, the foundation on which the economies around the globe thrive.

Practically, everything has become a part and parcel of the business curriculum. Keeping aside the conventional business firms, let us review the recent business trends in India.

Various occasions such as baby showers, marriages were supposed to be a close intimate affair in which close relatives would show up. However, as the westerly’s swayed our cultural instincts, family functions soon started turning into large scale parties in which a huge amounts of money is now spent like water. Event organizers and managers now chrun out a good source of money from such events.

In the good old days, hospitals and doctors were synonymous to life savers. In fact, they still are. The only difference is the money factor that has instilled a sense of professionalism in them like any other business instead of unselfish dutifulness.

Temples and places of worships are the places that are dedicated to the deities, where people go to seek the blessings of God, thank Him or ask Him to fulfill their wishes free of cost. Old story though, as now you cannot even enter any famous temple without shelling out 50 bucks (if you don’t prefer standing in queues for like 4-5 hrs). Moreover the Prasad offerred to the deities can also cost you some amount.

Education is what builds a human into a more civilized and intellectual being, so that he becomes capable enough to earn a living. No doubt, we still do celebrate Guru Purnima today also but the sense of a true Guru has been replaced by a thirst for money. Not only that, even the schools and different tuition centres are making good money out of education.

Thus, we see that the longing of money has how changed the notions and thought process of people. From a human being, we have been transformed into those professional monsters who continuously want to strive to earn as much money as they can.

Business is equal to money and money favors and gives us all the materialistic comforts of life. However, little do we realize that business is not always equivalent to happiness or stability considering the kind of tensions that always prevail. Anyways we would still conclude with the famous saying that “business is business”.

But, let’s not forget that there are still some things that business and money can’t buy.

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