Child abuse has become the ugliest element in an otherwise safe society like ours. Children are called the most innocent and pure souls of this world. Their naughtiness reminds us of our childhood. Few decades back children were treated as Gods. It’s horrifying to see the deaths of children these days.
Pradyuman’s death is not the first one but it can be the last one. I cried a lot after seeing his last pic. In a single day, four children were raped in different cities and three lost their lives in different cases. Children are not safe anywhere.
A 13 year old girl was raped, got pregnant and gave birth to a dead pre mature child.
Is this the world in which we are willing to live?
What is wrong with us?
My mother used to tell stories about monsters and fairies in my childhood. I had never imagined that a monster could rape and kill a fairy. It was unimaginable for a young girl like me. But now it is happening with our children.
Our neighbours and relatives can do heinous crimes at homes with these small children. Parents are still unaware of the facts. They can’t leave their ornaments with a neighbor but they can easily trust their neighbors and leave children with them. No second thought comes in the mind of a mother who leaves her daughter or son with her cousin or friend’s husband.
Human behaviour is not called abnormal in such cases. We trust people without checking out their intentions. We don’t go for police verification in all cases. Mostly we use our wisdom to judge people.
Home maids, helpers, servants , gardeners, drivers, conductors, private tutors are kept to assist us without proper inquires.
Children are the easiest targets. They can be threatened by these criminals and most of these kids don’t speak to their parents about physical abuse. Many children don’t understand the meaning of bad touch or physical abuse. Children don’t wear shorts or revealing clothes which can provoke these criminals.
Then why these crimes are getting higher?
Why can’t we accept the truth?
Why can’t we see that our own minds have become polluted?
I had read a real story last year in which a one month old baby girl was raped by a beast. She died on the spot. Who was responsible? Her gender or her clothes?
Child safety is the biggest issue of this modern world. If you want to see the next generation alive, you have to stop crime against children.
Children are losing their lives and by any chance if criminals set them free, these children live in extreme pain. Wounds on their bodies can be counted but their souls are damaged forever. Many children are living with mental disorders. Western world was facing this problem from many decades and now this virus has entered in our society. It is killing humanity and growing fast in uncultured and illiterate human brains.
How can we imagine a child to be a sex object?
It means our souls have left us, we are living like zombies who are brain dead or heartless. A man with dignity and decency can not touch anyone with bad intention. Here we are discussing about child abuse.
It’s shocking to hear the true stories of the victims. Five year old girl was raped, her private parts were ruptured. She was bleeding furiously and was kept on ventilator. Her painful shrieks could have made anyone insane. Hats off to the doctors who have guts to treat these cases.
Parents must talk to their children about bad or good touch. Parents should give sex education to teenagers. Don’t leave your children with known people because they can be more dangerous. Beauty appointments or late night parties can be avoided. Business trips and foreign tours can be cancelled because your own child is most important.
Schools, institutions or organisations are doing business and we have to take bold steps to make them understand the value of safety. Don’t send your children to the institutions which are not following the instructions of our Governments and courts. Children are not our liabilities rather they are assets. I can’t leave my children to earn more money. I am earning to give them comforts but I’ve to look after their needs and security too.
If you have decided to give birth to a child, be responsible for the rest of your life. Mental sickness should not be avoided. If you find that your neighbor or close friend has a habit to abuse children, don’t protect them. Immediately report to the police and take necessary precautions. If you see any helper doing wrong with your child, don’t give him warning. Call the cops and get him arrested. If you leave these beasts on roads without punishment, they can harm other children in future.
Don’t close your eyes after seeing a crime. Just remember that next it could be you.