Love: A Relationship with Twists

Love: A Relationship with Twists

Relation is a term which has several meaning from different perspectives: a bond between a mother and a child is a Relation, between you and your friend is a Relation, between a boss and an employee is a Relation, but here my friends, we are talking about the most amazing meaning of Relation i.e. between two people in Love.

Love: A Relationship with Twists

Relation is a term which has several meaning from different perspectives: a bond between a mother and a child is a Relation, between you and your friend is a Relation, between a boss and an employee is a Relation, but here my friends, we are talking about the most amazing meaning of Relation i.e. between two people in Love.

Well, the question arises (which we hardly think of) what is this hypothetical term “Love”? Is it about commitment, is it about sacrifice, is it about responsibility or about your heartbeats going boom-bda-boom-ba-boom when you see your loved one?

According to me, it is about all these things, but hang on a minute!! Do these things like commitment, sacrifice, responsibility, care, affection, romance really exist and that too forever!  For the answer I would say, Yes, they exist, but in a rare quantity like the number of Tigers in Indian forests.

The Relation of Love never runs according to plan, it’s just instantaneous, it just happens; you have no control over it.

Just when you look at him/her everything stops, you can’t think of anything except telling them what you feel, you start liking everything about them, you even change yourself according to what they like, everything seems perfect..but this is all for the starters. If you want to sustain this relation/feeling/bond forever, you must believe in Commitment, Sacrifice, Responsibility, Care, Affection, you need to accept their flaws too, it can never always be about loving them, sometimes it’s about hating them and loving them again.

Love works in cycles, Love is in those little moments, what you can never forget about them, that you shared or the moments you want to spend with them. In the walkthrough of life it is not only about sweet romantic journey, it is also about bumps.

The ones who stick together and face those bumps, are the ones who jumps again into a joy-ride else we get to hear stories of betrayal, divorce or suicides.

Some says “Boy’s can’t be trusted on the note of Love” whereas some accuse females. I say both of them are humans and both of them can commit mistakes.

The culprit is just the first one to skip out of the relation and we start blaming the gender.

As far as today’s scenario is concerned if you can keep yourself shielded from this feeling of LOVE, it’s good (though I know, no one can) because in this world apart from two people in Love we have several situations or beings who resist this bond like caste biasness, wealth, prosperity and sometimes character.

So I always say, “If you are in Love, am happy for you; if you are not then you should be happy for yourself”.

Love-Relation is an undefined term, yes, I used the word “undefined” because for some it is about Affection plus Infatuation with a liability named as Commitment; and for some it is about the intense feeling which you share for your loved one and then, the work of Commitment need not be explicitly implied, it’s then an implicit action.

Sometimes I see people try so hard to show their love that they start comparing the Love they deliver by the amount of money they spend or by the sacrifices they do; don’t do that, because there is no scale to measure it.

A simple walk together or time shared, or even a long ride sometimes is better than a candle light dinner.

Don’t count what you’ve done because somewhere he/she knows what you’ve done, it will only make a negative impact. It is as simple as you take it; or as difficult as you make it. Play it cool.

Love was there, is there, and will be there. It’s just the matter of time till you get hit by this feeling. Don’t be afraid of it; just be intelligent enough to identify it.

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