Udaipur | India's largest phosphate reserve... and that is how pollution reaches Udaipur

Udaipur | India's largest phosphate reserve... and that is how pollution reaches Udaipur

The Demonic Trio of slurry, dust and exhaust are the biggest problems. Their dispersal in the Jhamri river is taking toxic contents to Jhamarkotda dam and Jai Samand and hence creating many health hazards.
Udaipur | India's largest phosphate reserve... and that is how pollution reaches Udaipur

Blog by: Dhairya Bordia

Situated in old Aravalli mountain ranges, Udaipur my native city is a beautiful city amidist the wild jungle, enormous amounts of minerals and is surrounded with water bodies giving it the well deserved name, City of Lakes.

Being amidst Aravalli ranges this area is rich in minerals & metal for mining, like zinc, silver, phosphate, etc. It has India’s largest phosphate deposits which is used for fertilizer production. India being an agriculture nation, and to have such a huge deposit of phosphate is excellent but at the same time these reserves and their mining is creating an environmental issue for Udaipur.

In the southern part of Rajasthan,
at Udaipur there is a mine,
full of deadly phosphate,
but not porcupine,
it’s the biggest deposit in the nation,
that needs deep excavation,
slurry dust and exhaust,
three times the trouble
all three mix in Jhamri river,
which in turn flowed to jaisamand reservoir
that is how pollution reaches Udaipur….

The Demonic Trio is slurry , dust , and exhaust are biggest problem. Their dispersal in the Jhamri river is taking toxic contents to Jhamkotada dam and Udaipur Jai Samand and hence creating many health hazards  for people living in Udaipur and surrounding areas. Not only the dam and river, the polluted water is seeping in and getting mixed with groundwater and contaminates it with increase fluoride and chloride content.

The author of this piece is Dhairya Bordia, a student of of Oakridge International School Bengaluru has keen interest in drawing and is very Imaginative. He has keen a interest in environment and has been actively participating in tree plantation. Recently he and his sister planted 7 trees in the locality. He uses his imagination and interest in art to explain boring subjects like history. His high point was explaining Silk Route through art. Not only Art, he has good knowledge about coding and helps around everyone one in computer related issues. He loves teaching computers to his grandparents.

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