Sayeed Ahmed and Rudhra Mathiarasan The gauge of angst and thrill is on its peak. The
world cup semifinal between India and Pakistan will be not less than a war of sportsmen, two countries carrying an intense traditional rivalry with sensitive historical relations will fight for their honor.

Certainly this is the one of the most awaiting moments of this world cup, the semi final between India and Pakistan will make the people shout their lungs out as the match is expected to attract millions of eye balls that any event has got in the history of Indian cricket. The captains of both team has prepared themselves for the battle and the countdown has begun. We tried to see what a common Indian citizen is thinking over this coming up action match on 30
th March 2011.
Taruna Tomar, 19 year old media student I have seen the Australia India match and our team have really played well. I hope India again defeat the Pakistan team, just hope for the best “crossing fingers” Pakistan is going to cry for sure, this is going to be un-epic game definitely. Let’s see what going to happen on the ground. History will repeat itself and India will win. India Rocks!
Prateek Gautam (20yr CS by profession and a passionate singer) Definitely India will win this important match as our Team has blessings of millions of Indian, obviously none among both team can be considered as weaker, or stronger but since its India V/s Pakistan that’s why it will be more than a game.
Subhash Kothari (26 yr Medical Representative) According to me there is no reason that India will lose simple reason being, in Pakistan team no player has scored 100 runs in this world cup moreover Indian Batting lineup is strong enough to crack Pakistani bowling in First power play, and record is with India.
Masuda Shaikh – 20 yr old Management Student I am very much excited and nervous too about INDO/PAK match in Muhali. I wish India wins the match and for this I am keeping fast tomorrow and also going to offer special namaz to express gratitude towards Almighty God.
Rajendra Mehra (28 yr employee in HDFC Bank) This match can be very positive regarding political point of view as PM of both countries will be watching match together in Mohali. As an Indian I believe that India will win this match but I request all, to please take this match as a game and not as battle field.
Himanshu Nandwana (20 yr student pursuing MBA) It’s a final war between both teams in this World Cup. Let’s wait and watch for the result and let the best team win. I am keeping my fingers crossed for India.
Deepesh Sharma (20 yr B.Tech Student) and Praveen Vaishnaw (22 yrs Management student) According to them team Pakistan has changed all the game completely up till now. According to bookies India will win the game but since they are playing in their home country there will be immense pressure on team. Anyways it all depends how both the teams perform on ground
“Jis bhi team pe jayada paisa laga hai who team hari hai Pakistan k samne abhi tak”, so we think that there is more chances that Pakistan will win. “All the Best team India”
Monto Khan (29 yr businessman) I am very excited regarding this game on 30 March, there are few special plans for the day as we’ll cheer for Team India with colleagues and they all want India to win the game and enter the finals of World Cup. All the people have huge expectations from the Indian team and let’s hope that our team won’t let us down.