The bean-shaped organs that are one of the most important organs in a human body need attention. The growing Kidney disease in India needs to be combated.
March 12th is the World Kidney Day, a day that spreads awareness about the significance of Kidneys, the possible kidney diseases and the ways that they can be cured & treated.
Serving the major function of removing toxins from the body, kidneys also clean out the excess fluid from the body in the form of urine. This process becomes necessary as a stable balance of body chemicals is maintained.
Known as the powerful chemical factories, the kidneys perform the following functions:
- Remove waste products and drugs from the body
- Balance the body’s fluids
- Release hormones that regulate blood pressure
- Produces active form of Vitamin D that helps promote healthy bones
- Control the production of red blood cells.
In today’s world, there are many people who are at high risk of getting kidney diseases; unaware of the causes and symptoms. People usually with diabetes, high blood pressure and heart problems suffer from Kidney disease but if it is caught early enough, the damage to the kidney can be reversed, slowed and even stopped.
Here are a few tips that you should keep in mind to avoid the chances of having kidney disease:
- Drink Enough Water: The kidney’s most important function is to remove toxins and waste material from the body. When you do not drink enough water during the day, the toxins and waste starts to accumulate that can cause severe damage to the body. On an average, a person is advised to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water each day.

- Lessen Salt Intake: Salt and Sodium are both required by the body to work properly. Most people however, consume more salt that may raise blood pressure and put a lot of stress on the kidneys. As a rule of thumb, not more than 5 gm of salt should be consumed on a daily basis.
- Sleep Well: You all know how important is sleep for not only proper brain functioning but your body also requires 6-8 hours of good, sound sleep. Chronic sleep deprivation is linked to many diseases, kidney disease being one of them. During the night, the kidney repairs damaged kidney tissues so give your body the time to heal and repair itself.
- Cut down Coffee: Just as salt, too much consumption of caffeine can raise blood pressure and put extra stress on your kidneys. Over time, the excessive use of coffee can damage your kidneys.

- Include Vitamins and Minerals: Make this as a general rule for the rest of your life to consume a clean, whole food diet full of fresh vegetables and fruits. Many deficiencies in the body can increase the risk of kidney stones or kidney failure. Vitamin B6 and magnesium, for instance are very important to reduce the chances of getting kidney stones.
- Reduce Animal Protein: Over consumption of protein, especially red meat, increases the metabolic load on your kidneys. Excessive protein in your diet means kidneys will have to function harder which may result in damage or dysfunction over time.
- Avoid Painkillers: There are many people who abusively consume painkillers for their small aches and pains. On the other hand there are many all-natural, safe remedies that are available to cure pain. Excessive use of painkillers can lead to severe damage to not only kidneys but liver as well.
- Alcohol: Although there is nothing wrong in enjoying a glass of red wine or a beer once in a while, but most of us do not have a limit of the minimum and most of the time, cross it. Alcohol is actually a legal toxin that puts a lot of stress on kidney and liver.

- Kick the Sugar Habit: Scientific studies have proven that people who consume 2 or more sugary drinks a day are more likely to have protein in their urine. Having protein in the urine means that the kidneys are not doing their job well. So limit the intake of sugar content as well.
- Do NOT avoid Nature’s Call: You cannot refrain from this fact, that many of us avoid going to the loo because we are too busy or want to avoid public washrooms. Retaining urine on a regular basis increases urine pressure that leads to kidney failure, kidney stones and incontinence. So, listen to your body when it calls.
Kidney disease usually affects both kidneys. If the kidney’s ability to filter blood is seriously damaged, then the toxins and excess fluids may build up in the body. Although, the symptoms of kidney disease are not easily detectable but there are some to look out for:
- Itchy skin
- Puffy eyes and swelling of hands & feet
- Feeling nauseous
- Breathlessness when on exertion
- Poor appetite
- Weight loss
- Tiredness

It is always advised that ‘Precaution is always better than Cure’; maintaining a healthy lifestyle and including regular exercise in the daily life can make a big difference. Your kidneys will thank you for this.