Walk Down Memory Lane with GiftaLove

Walk Down Memory Lane with GiftaLove

There is no doubt that gifting has become an important part of life. Whether it’s a loved one’s Birthday, Baby Shower, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Anniversary or even Valentine’s Day gifts play an indispensable role the way we interact with near and dear ones.

Walk Down Memory Lane with GiftaLove

There is no doubt that gifting has become an important part of life. Whether it’s a loved one’s Birthday, Baby Shower, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Anniversary or even Valentine’s Day gifts play an indispensable role the way we interact with near and dear ones.

Have you ever thought why gifts are so important? It is due to the fact that we feel more benevolent. Where did the term come and why has gifting become so important? Let GiftaLove take you down to the memory lane from where you might learn something. We did a little research on the whole thing and this is what we come up with.

Although sharing gifts has been around since before the Old Testament, we considered we would start this journey a little latter.

During Ancient Rome, gifting practices were used during Roman New Year’s celebrations. At first, the gifts were used as tokens and were symbolic for example, the branches of sacred grove or tokens of food and precious spices. Many of these tokens were in the form of vegetables and fruits to honor the fertility deity, Sternia.

Emperor Caligula of Rome, confirmed his citizens that he’d be receiving gifts on New Year. Any souvenirs he deemed to be badly chosen for a man of his position were ridiculed in whole public. Hence, the pressure was onto people to ensure the gifts they would choose should be suitable for the emperor. Even most importantly, the souvenirs were a way to get the favor of superiors in that era.

Like many ancient traditions, sharing gifts was hard to rid of even as Christianity widen and began to assume power. However, early Church leaders tried to avert this practice, but it was a way too difficult as the custom was popular among people.

Hence, the Church leaders required to come up with a way of legitimizing the custom within its dogma. The justification has a mention in the Magi’s- or Three Wise Men’s – act of endowing infant Jesus with gifts and also the theory that Christ was a gift from God to the world.

Over the centuries, it can probably be considered that the custom of gifts owes more to the Victorian era in today’s scenario than anything else. Following years of European decline, the Victorians revitalized the ideas of sharing gifts during Christmas by making it a perfect time to get together with family and friends.

During Christmas celebration of that era, charity and friendliness filled many hearts and hence gift giving was common. The foremost reason for gifting was related to the expression of benevolent and gratitude that suited the mood of the holiday.

A few years later, the practice of gift exchange took another shape in terms of Santa Claus who was and is famous as the ultimate gifts bearer. Santa Claus, in today’s description has become a symbol as well as personification of giving and receiving gifts!

But, remember, it’s not Christmas that flaunts sending and receiving gifts. Today’s world is full of responsibilities and people are departing, going miles away from each other in search of better opportunities. However, it’s not surprising to see relationships drifting apart due to distance and lack of time.

But, thanks to digitalization that we all have invented a new way to bridge this growing gap through online gifting practices.

It’s easy to be skeptical about it but wait and think, who hasn’t felt the excitement of receiving little tokens of love once in a while or on their birthday?

Hence, gifts are important- they are the perfect way to staying in touch, saying thank you and making someone feel special!

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