Suhani Sardi brings smile to Underprivileged Children

Suhani Sardi brings smile to Underprivileged Children

SUHANI SARDI ANDOLAN is a call of Team Suhani Sardi, Udaipur youth & Platinum Group of Colleges with a Mission to make 10,000 primary school children & 10,000 underprivileged people’s Sardi Suhani this winter.


Suhani Sardi brings smile to Underprivileged Children

SUHANI SARDI ANDOLAN is a call of Team Suhani Sardi, Udaipur youth  & Platinum Group of Colleges with a Mission to make 10,000 primary school children & 10,000 underprivileged people’s Sardi Suhani this winter.

We have observed that Children belonging to poor backgrounds avoid going to school in winters as they don’t have woolen clothes to safeguard them from scorching cold. As a result, their education and health suffers. So, to help such children in every possible way that their education and learning never stops, we came up with SUHANI SARDI ANDOLAN- PART 1.

10,000 Fresh Sweater distribution to 10,000 under- privileged and financially weaker students of the Govt. Primary Schools of Udaipur (Rajasthan) by Platinum Group of Colleges

SUHANI SARDI ANDOLAN – PART 1 (Distributed 9,169 as on Dec 25, 2015)

Suhani Sardi Andolan- PART 1 is an Andolan to help 10,000 under- privilege children studying in Government Primary School by providing them with Fresh Sweaters so that they don’t have to miss their schools in extreme winters. It is an initiative to make winters as much joyful and healthier for these children, as it is for us!

During our frequent visit to Government primary schools, we found that many students were not attending their schools regularly; the reason being they did not had sweaters to safeguard them from the stinging cold. Not only the students, but their parents and teachers also, informed us the same thing. It shook our nerves and we could not wait further to take the step and start this Andolan- ‘Suhani Sardi’ to help these kids. We believe that these little kids are future of tomorrow and their education & health should not suffer because of their un- affordability to buy woolens.

We take this as our social responsibility to fight for this cause of non- attendance and health issues of children belonging to poor background. Our Mission is to help them in every possible way so that their learning never stops. Suhani Sardi Founders urge everyone to come forward for this noble cause.

Suhani Sardi brings smile to Underprivileged Children


Suhani Sardi Andolan- Part 2 is an extended campaign of SUHANI SARDI ANDOLAN- Part 1. Through this Andolan (Part 2), we are targeting to distribute old/ used sweaters to 10,000 needy people of Udaipur (Rajasthan) including the orphans, beggars on streets, etc.

While distributing fresh sweaters to Govt.Primary School students, we realized, we should help other needy people as well including orphans, beggars on streets, etc. of Udaipur as the Death Rate due to cold goes higher each year.

But, the question was HOW?

As a matter of fact, most of us must be having plenty of old sweaters piled on in almirah since years, which, we are neither using nor anybody in need of it. So, we decided to create a platform in Udaipur for them- to collect such old/ used sweaters, to give away to the 10,000 people in need, at least covering Udaipur.

The Mission of our Andolan is to change the mindsets of people and re-connect them with the cause, to make them realize their social responsibility. Also, we want to safeguard the poor and needy people from biting cold of this season, which would help in reducing the Cold Death Rate of Udaipur, to some extent.


  •   It is a noble cause to safeguard people from biting cold
  •   It is an effort to reduce Death Rate (due to COLD) of Udaipur region by atleast 50%.
  •  Suhani Sardi Andolan- Part 1 is not taking any Donation for the 10,000 fresh sweaters’ distribution to Govt. primary school children
  •  Suhani Sardi Andolan- Part 2 needs contribution of old/ used sweaters from you, your relatives, friends, etc. to cover the target of 10,000 needy people
  •  Our Transparency: Inspite of taking #NoDonation, we take it as our responsibility to keep the information open to public about the fresh sweater distribution
  •  To make the youth of today and tomorrow realize their social responsibilities and learn moral values.
  •  To make ‘SUHANI SARDI’ for as many people we can this time.
  • To spread awareness among people of Udaipur, your friends, relatives, clubs, political parties, Govt.departments, educational institutes, etc.
  • To set yourself as an example for others so that they don’t think much before DOING GOOD to others.

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