National Investigation Agency (NIA) Courtin Jaipur issued a charge sheet against 11 accused in the infamous Kanhaiya Lal murder case that took place at Udaipur earlier this year. The charge sheet by NIA issued on Thursday, December 22, according to media sources, points to a conspiracy by the 11 accused, including two Pakisatan nationals who were part of a terror module.
Apart from the main accused Mohammad Ghous and Riyaz Attari, those booked in the chargesheet include Mohsin, Asif, Mohammad, Wasim Ali, Farhad Mohammad Sheikh, Mohammad Javed and Muslim Mohammed. Two Pakistani nationals, Salman and Abu Ibrahim have also been named in the chargesheet.
After nearly 6 months of interrogations, investigations and role play, the NIA has said that these 11 people were radicalized and inspired by incriminating content delivered to them from within India as well as from across the border. The 11 accused have been charged under various sections of the Indian Penal Code and UAPA (Unlawful Activities Prevention Act) as per the media reports.
As per media reports, the NIA has mentioned in the chargesheet that Riyaz Attari, one of the two prime accused, had links with Karachi based radical group Dawat-e-Islami. Attari and Ghous, according to the chargesheet, were called to Karachi by senior members of the Dawat e Islami in 2014. Also, as per the chargesheet, Mohammad Javed of Udaipur has passed on the information about Kanhaiya’s presence in his shop, to Attari and Ghous. The probe also mentions that Salman had instigated Riyaz Attari to carry out the act of vengeance.
The accused have been booked under Sections 302 (34), 452, 153 and 295 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) as well under Sections 16, 18 and 20 of the UAPA. Section 302 of IPC is related to murder and the others relate to conspiracy and promoting terrorist activities in the country.
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