In a major decision, the Chittorgarh District Court (DJ) awarded a Life Imprisonment sentence to the accused in the infamous Ruchika Murder case of Udaipur. An additional fine of Rs. 50 Thousand was also imposed on the accused. The DJ gave the order on Thursday, 1 December, almost 7 years after the murder.
"District Judge Omi Poruhit convicted the accused Divya Kothari alias Kittu of Udaipur for the murder of the female advocate Ruchika Gupta", said Public Prosecutor, Chittorgarh, Advocate Suresh Chandra Sharma.
As many as 35 witnesses were heard, 149 documents and 13 articles including the weapon, clothes, etc were produced in front of the court on the basis of which the court announced its verdict.
As per the Public Prosecutor the court found accused guilty of the murder and attempt of rape and awarded him life imprisonment under the charge of murder (IPC 302) and also awarded him with imprisonment for the term of 5 years in jail for the charge of attempt of Rape (Section 450 of IPC) and a period of 1 year in jail under the provision of Arms Act.
Sharma further said that as it was an advocate’s murder the high court transferred the case to Chittorgarh court for trail.
The Murder Story
It was on 1 December 2016 when accused Divya Kothari, who was a neighbor of the deceased Ruchika killed her brutally at her own flat located at the Orbit First Apartment near Sukher in Udaipur. Ruchika was the mother of two kids, a daughter and a son. The daughtre, elder of the two, was 8 years old at the time of the murder and her son was 6 1/2 years. Divya entered the victim’s house when she was alone in the house and her husband K.B Gupta was at city’s Law College and kids were at school.
As per information he tried to molest her and when the advocate resisted, he smashed her head on the ground and stabbed her to death.
Later that night he left the house leaving a suicide note behind. He then went to Mavli railway station and returned back to Fatahpura Chowki and surrendered there confessing that he had killed Ruchika.
But few hours after his surrender he again changed his statement. After three days of faking psychic acts he finally confessed to his crime. In his confession to police he said that he had a deep crush on Ruchika as she was a frequent visitor to his house being a close friend of his mother.
Ruchika and her husband K.B Gupta hail from Kota. They got married in 2002 and were staying at Udaipur since last 23 years.
Initially they stayed on the same floor of the Orbit First Apartment but later they sold it and shifted to second floor of the building in a rented flat as they had plans for constructing a new house at 100 ft road in Sobhagpura. The kids then, were students of Delhi Public School, Udaipur.
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