Udaipur police on Wednesday night detained two minor boys for allegedly raping one of their 11 year old cousin at Udaipur on 15 June. Both the accused boys were produced infront of the Child Welfare Committee (CWC), Udaipur.
The investigating officer of the case (DYSP) Chetna Bhati said that the incident came to light when the elder sister of the survivor lodged an FIR against two of their cousins who are also minors ageing between 13 and 14 years, said (DYSP) Chetna Bhati.
Survivor's elder sister files FIR-
Bhati said that as per the report of the victim's sister it was when the victim girl was staying at one of her relatives house as her mother was admitted in hospital for treatment. During her stay two of her cousins aged 13 and 14 years allegedly raped her. In the report she mentioned that even two other relatives also sexually assaulted her and threatened her. Bhati added that at the time of the crime, the elder sister had gone to the hospital to see her mother, and the girl was watching TV at her aunt's house. After some time, when the elder sister came home, she was shocked to see her sister soaked in blood. Then she took her to the MB hospital for treatment. When she asked the victim girl about the reason of bleeding she narrated her ordeal. Aggrieved over the incident the elder sister of the victim later lodged an FIR against the accused at the Ambamata police station on 14 June.
The medical examination of the victim girl was conducted and a case had been booked under sections 3/4 of Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act and various sections of Indian Penal Code including section 376 D (Punishment for Gang Rape) and the investigation was underway, said (DYSP) Bhati.
Another similar incident of gang rape-
Another similar incident of gang was reported by a 25 year old woman at Hathipol police station where she blamed 4 men for abducting her and raping her in a moving car. (DYSP) Chetna Bhati is doing the investigation of the case too.
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