As per the latest notification, the Rajasthan Patwari 2020 exam is expected to be held from Jan 10th to Jan 24th 2021. There are 4421 vacancies for which innumerable candidates across the country will appear. The recruitment process consists of a Phase 1 Written Test and Phase 2 Interview and the final merit list will be prepared on the performance in both the phases. With the exam this close, it is important to stay focused on your Patwari exam preparation and to help you with just that, we present here a 15-day schedule along with some of the best Patwari preparation tips.
How to Crack the Patwari Exam: Pattern
The Rajasthan Patwari 2020 exam is an offline exam comprising of 150 questions and a total of 300 marks. The Mental Ability & Reasoning, Basic Numerical Efficiency section carries the highest weightage. Negative marking of 1/3rd of that of a correct answer also applies. The total time allotted is 3 hours. The following table will help you with your Patwari exam preparation.
Section |
Questions |
Marks |
Weightage [%] |
General Science; Indian History, Polity and Geography; General Knowledge; Current Affairs [GS & GK] |
38 |
76 |
25 |
History, Culture, Geography and Polity of Rajasthan [RAJ] |
30 |
60 |
20 |
General Hindi & English [GHE] |
22 |
44 |
15 |
Mental Ability & Reasoning, Basic Numerical Efficiency [MAR] |
45 |
90 |
30 |
Basic Computer [COM] |
15 |
30 |
10 |
Total |
150 |
300 |
100 |
How to Crack the Patwari Exam: 15 Day Schedule
Given below is a day-wise distribution of topics that will help you give your Patwari exam preparation in the right direction.
Day |
Topics |
Topics |
Topics |
Day 1-Day 3 |
MAR Inequalities, Coding-Decoding, Clocks, Puzzles, Seating Arrangement, Dates & Calendars, Coding-Decoding, Similarities, Blood Relation Ratio & Proportion, Series & Sequences, Number System, Speed & Distance, Permutation & Combination, Simplification/ Approximation, Percentages, Profit & Loss, Average, Inequalities, Linear Equations |
RAJ Important events in Rajasthan’s history, Political structure, Governor, Vidhan Sabha, High Court, Human Rights Commission, Social Issues, Components and Organizations of local industries, |
GS & GK Current Affairs, Indian Constitution & Indian Polity, Indian Political Structure, National Issues, Business & Economics, Indian and World History, Important Movements, General Science Matter, properties, motion, velocity, gravity, Physical & Chemical condition, air & water, acids, bases, salts, carbon, atomic structure, etc.] |
During Each Day |
1 MAR Test + 1 RAJ Test + 1 GS & GK Test + 1 Mock Test [Alternate as per your suitability] |
Day 4-Day 6 |
MAR Order & Rankings, Directions, Assertion & Reason, Statements & Conclusion, Data Sufficiency, Relationships, Partnership, Syllogism Trigonometry, Probability, Simple & Compound Interest, Ages, Functions, Geometry, Quadratic Equations, Probability Graphs & Tables, Data Interpretation |
RAJ Rajasthan’s participation in the Freedom Struggle, Culture and Traditions, Festivals, Folk Music, Arts, Languages and Literature, Major Tourist Spots, Central Personalities of Rajasthan, Scale of Tertiary Sector, Major State Government Schemes |
GS & GK Important Institutions [Domestic & International] and current changes, etc., Science & Technology, Indian & World Geography, General Science [Prominent scientific breakthroughs, Cells & tissues, Living & Non-living forms, The Human body, Growth & reproduction, Epidemics, food, space, etc.] |
During Each Day |
1 MAR Test + 1 RAJ Test + 1 GS & GK Test + 1 Mock Test [Alternate as per your suitability] |
Day 7- Day 9 |
General English [GE] Reading Comprehension, Sentence Correction, Error Detection, Jumbled Sentences, Active & Passive Voice, Cloze Test, Odd One Out, Fill in the Blanks Vocabulary [Synonyms, Antonyms, One-word Substitution], etc. |
General Hindi [GH] भाषा, वर्ण-विचार, सज्ञा, पर्यायवाची शब्द [Synonyms] अनेकार्थी शब्द), एकार्थक शब्द [Ekarthak Shabd], अनेक शब्दों के एक शब्द [One-word Substitution], विलोम शब्द [Vilom Shabd], गद्द्यांश |
GS & GK Important Dates & Anniversaries, Film & Television, Sports and Recreation, Currency, Books & Authors, Culture, Important Offices & Dignitaries, Environment, etc. |
During Each Day |
1 GE Test + 1 GH Test + 1 GS & GK Test + 1 Mock Test [Alternate as per your suitability] |
Day 10-Day 14 |
COM Computer History, Hardware & Software, Operating System, Input & Output Devices, Networking & Internet, Office Applications, Keyboard Shortcuts, Database Management, Cyber Security, etc. |
Revise Mental Ability & Reasoning, Basic Numerical Efficiency Revise General English and General Hindi |
Revise History, Culture, Geography and Polity of Rajasthan Revise General Knowledge, General Science, Current Affairs |
During Each Day |
1 COM Test + 2 Mock Tests every day |
Day 15 |
Solve 1-2 full-length mock tests in a simulated exam environment only till Day 14. Don’t attempt any mock test on Day 15. Refresh important formulae and strategies. Revise the static portion of the Rajasthan state. Stay away from new topics. Arrange your documents. |
Exam Day |
Ready yourself up for the Patwari 2020 exam. |
How to Crack the Patwari Exam: Patwari Preparation Tips
By far, one of the most important Patwari preparation tips is to keep faith in yourself and your abilities. Don’t worry much about how to crack the patwari exam and just give your best & Stay Connect with our education blog.
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