CBSE Board Results 2023: Window opens for Submission of Application for Verification and Re-evaluation of Marks

CBSE Board Results 2023: Window opens for Submission of Application for Verification and Re-evaluation of Marks

Re-evaluation Application URL:

CBSE Marks Re-evaluation CBSE Board Examinations 2023 Class 10 Class 12 Marks Re-evaluation and Verification
As per the CBSE Circular on 12 May, Verification of Marks will be followed by Re-evaluation.

The CBSE has opened the Online Application Window for Re-evaluation of Marks for both Class 10 and Class 12 Boards 2023. Applicants who desire for verification and re-evaluation of their marks should CLICK HERE and Apply.

Students should read the following guidelines before applying for Verification and Re-evaluation.

  • Application for Verification shall be open from 16 May till midnight (11:59pm) of 20 May.
  • Application will be accepted only in Online Mode.
  • Application URL:
  • Processing charges will also be accepted only through online transaction.
  • Incomplete Application will be rejected without any correspondence with the candidate.
  • When applying, candidate has to decide whether to apply for single subject or multiple subject.
  • Board will not be responsible for delay.
  • Decrease by even one mark shall be effected.
  • In case there is changes in marks, candidate shall need to surrender Marksheet cum Certificate which is in their possession and they will be issued a new Marksheet and Certificate.

Please note the detailed process for application:

1. Go to Link: and Choose the Class (10 or 12) on the left hand panel.

How to Apply for Re-evaluation of Marks, CBSE Board Examination Revaluation of Marks Class 10 Class 12, Has the CBSE started re-evaluation of Marks

2. Enter your  Roll No, School No and Centre No. as given in your Admit Card.

How to Apply for Re-evaluation of Marks, CBSE Board Examination Revaluation of Marks Class 10 Class 12, Has the CBSE started re-evaluation of Marks

3. Choose the Subject(s) for which you want to apply Verification. Enter your address, mobile and email ID.

How to Apply for Re-evaluation of Marks, CBSE Board Examination Revaluation of Marks Class 10 Class 12, Has the CBSE started re-evaluation of Marks

4. Once your Application is accepted, You will need to proceed for Payment. Make the Payment using online mode (Credit Card, Debit Card or Net Banking) and Save the Receipt.

How to Apply for Re-evaluation of Marks, CBSE Board Examination Revaluation of Marks Class 10 Class 12, Has the CBSE started re-evaluation of Marks

How to Apply for Re-evaluation of Marks, CBSE Board Examination Revaluation of Marks Class 10 Class 12, Has the CBSE started re-evaluation of Marks

How to Apply for Re-evaluation of Marks, CBSE Board Examination Revaluation of Marks Class 10 Class 12, Has the CBSE started re-evaluation of Marks

5. You can check your Application Status by Clicking on "App Status Verification".

How to Apply for Re-evaluation of Marks, CBSE Board Examination Revaluation of Marks Class 10 Class 12, Has the CBSE started re-evaluation of Marks

Result of Verification

Once the verification is done, the result of the verification (change in marks followed by change in total result) will be updated on the same URL (CBSE  Login). The Applicants are requested  to visit the CBSE Website to check the status of the verification request.

Further Process (Photocopies)

Candidates who have applied for Verification and are not satisfied by the results of the Marks Verification, will be permitted to Apply for the Photocopies of the Answer Books. The processing charges will be Rs 700 per Subject. Application for Photocopies shall be entertained from 31 May till 1 June (11:59pm) in Online Mode.

As per the guidelines, only those candidates who have applied for Marks Verification will be eligible to apply for Photocopies of the Answer Books (for Subjects applied in the first step). Incomplete applications will be rejected and fees will be forfeited.

Applicants will be provided scanned copies of the Answer Sheets after blocking all information related to the identity of the Examiner/Evaluator and any other official associated with the examination process.

Challenging Marks Awarded

Candidates who wish to Challenge the Marks Awarded, shall be eligible for re-evaluation of the marks awarded for any question(s). The processing charges will be Rs 100 per Question. Marking Scheme in the Subject concerned will be available on the website alongwith the Question Paper. Candidates can submit the request for re-evaluaton in the required question(s) with reasoning. Application for Re-evaluation shall be entertained from 5 June till 6 June (11:59pm) in Online Mode.

The Status of the Re-evaluation shall be uploaded on the website followed by a formal communication from the Regional Office.

Result of the Re-evaluation shall be final and no appeal or review against the re-evaluation would be entertained.

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