Central Academy Udaipur and Parents face off once again - Parents allege fraud in forming committee

Central Academy Udaipur and Parents face off once again - Parents allege fraud in forming committee

With all the previous altercations going on between the parents of the children studying in Central Academy, Sardarpura, Udaipur and the management of the school, the school is once again in the news for the wrong reasons
Central Academy Udaipur and Parents face off once again - Parents allege fraud in forming committee
Parents have alleged that the school has adopted fraudulent and wron practice in forming the committee of parents in looking into the fee increase issue

Central Academy Udaipur doesn't cease to surprise!!  With all the previous altercations going on between the parents of the children studying in Central Academy, Sardarpura, Udaipur and the management of the school, the school is once again in the news for the wrong reasons.

This time, the parents have complained of the school's undisciplined and fraudulent approach in forming a committe of parents in looking into the fee increase issue.  The altercation between the parents and the school management on fee increase is on for the last 6 months, with the school not settling the matter once and for all in an amicable manner.

Parents of the students studying in Central Academy, Sardarpura, Udaipur, have complained that the school called the parents to school with the intention of forming a committee, but the committe was formed with fraudulent intent.

As per the procedure followed by the school, the parents were invited to school to participate in a discussion and form a committee.  The parents who were present for the meeting were given a yellow slip and were asked to write their names on it and submit it back.  The slips were taken to draw a lottery of names that will be a part of the committee.

However, as per the complain of the parents, the names that were called out, belonged to parents who were not present in the meeting.  The parents then asked the management to form a committee of the parents who were present at the meeting.  To this, the school management refused.

Parents also complained that the previous committees that were formed by the school have gone silent and are not coming up with solutions.

Earlier during this month, the school had allegedly rounded up the children whose fees were due.  The parents lodged a complaint with the administration for harrasment of the children.  The school management, however had clarified that the children were not locked up, as was alleged, but just taken to the auditorium in the basement of the school premises.  However, rounding up of children towards non payment of fees was an unwarranted and unacceptable behaviour by the school.

This altercation led to the police entering the school.  The question here is - what will be the impact on the psych of the children when they witness such an incident taking place at their place of study.  The school is headed by Sangam Misra, who was not available at the school for comments and even those present from the school management refused to speak to the reporters who were present on location.

The school is bent on increasing the fees, justifying increase in facilities and have also confirmed verbally to maintaining the increased fee for the next three years.  The parents of children in the penultimate classes, have complained that the increase is unjustified and so is the forced purchase of books and stationery as well as uniform from specified shops.

It seems the government is also turning a blind eye to the plight of the parents and is not taking serious action against the haughty attitude of private schools when they go about increasing fees year by year in the name of facilities.  Many parents are also hesitant in approaching the school, lookign at the future of their children and how their academics will be affected.

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