Exam Pattern for JEE Main 2020 has been officially released by the NTA. The changes that have been demonstrated are mainly in the mode of the test, question's type, marks allotment, and so on. New Changes have been presented in the JEE Main Exam pattern for 2020 and schedule which the aspirants can check in the following article. The JEE Main test is a national level assessment, which will take place to give admission in undergrad designing and engineering courses in institutions such as NITs, IIITs, and IITs.
The test will be held for B.E/B.Tech, B.Arch and B. Planning admissions. It will be conducted in online mode. JEE Main takes place two times every year by NTA for B.Tech entrance into NITs, IIITs and CFTIs. The test likewise goes about as passing around for JEE Advanced assessment. JEE Main 2020 will be held only in online-based mode in January and April. Be that as it may, Paper-II is being led as both online-based test (Mathematics and Aptitude) and pen and paper test (drawing).
Through this article, we are giving the point by point data about how the JEE Main exam pattern for 2020 is different from 2019.
The registration process for the April session of JEE Main 2020 will begin from 7th February.
JEE Main 2020 assessment was scheduled from 6th to 9th January 2020 for the January session and for April session, the examination process will be on the 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 11th April 2020. The maximum number of attempts that a student can make at JEE (Main) is restricted to 3, in consecutive years.
Check the JEE Main 2020 Exam design for B.E/B.Tech, B.Arch and B.Plan papers below:
Test Mode: The assessment will be held through online CBT mode.
Subjects: The questions in JEE Main will be from Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics subjects.
Questions Type: Objective type - MCQ based questions will be posted.
Number of Questions: A total of 25 questions will be there in each of the sections - Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics. 20 questions will be MCQ types and 5 questions will have numerical answers. The maximum number of questions will be 75 in the paper.
Test Duration: The total time span will be 3 hours. 4 hours for students having a 40% disability.
Question Paper Medium: The question paper medium is English and Hindi for all the centres. For urban areas in Gujarat, Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu, applicants can select Gujarati as language. Understudies need to make an alternative language medium at the hour of the registration process. No progressions will be entertained later.
Marking Scheme: Each right answer will fetch you 4 marks.1 mark will be deducted for each wrong answer. There will be no negative marking for numerical answer kind of questions.
Given below is the distribution of questions and marks in the JEE Main 2020 Paper for B.E/B.Tech:
Test Mode: The method of test for B.Arch is online as it was earlier as well. The exam for testing your drawing abilities in Paper 2 will be led through offline mode on a sheet of A4 size.
Subjects: The JEE Main will involve three sections which are maths, aptitude tests, and a drawing test.
Type of Questions: Objective type - MCQ type questions will be posed for Part-I and Part-II.
Number of Questions: 25 questions will be there in the maths segment; 50 for the Aptitude test; 2 questions in the drawing test. In Mathematics, 20 questions will be MCQ types and 5 answers to be filled as numerical. There will be an aggregate of 77 questions in the paper.
Exam Duration: 3 hours is the duration of the exam. 4 hours will be provided for aspirants having a 40% disability.
Question Paper Medium: Question paper medium is English and Hindi. candidates filling the test centers in Gujarat, Daman, and Diu and Dadra and Nagar Havel cities have the alternative to select the paper in English, Hindi and Gujarati medium.
Marking System: Each question will fetch you 4 marks for the right answer.
Negative Marking: For each erroneous answer, 1 mark will be deducted from the absolute score. There will be no negative marking for numerical answer sort of questions.
Test Mode: The method of test for B.Plan is completely online.
Subjects: The JEE Main will involve three sections which are maths, aptitude tests, and a planning test.
Type of Questions: Objective type - MCQ and numerical answer type questions will be posted.
Number of Questions: 25 questions will be there in the mathematic segment; 50 for the Aptitude test; 25 questions in the planning test. In Mathematics, 20 questions will be MCQ types and 5 answers to be filled as numerical. There will be an aggregate of 100 questions in the paper.
Exam Duration: 3 hours is the duration of the exam. 4 hours will be provided for aspirants having a 40% disability.
Question Paper Medium: Question paper medium is English and Hindi. candidates filling the test centers in Gujarat, Daman, and Diu and Dadra and Nagar Havel cities have the alternative to select the paper in English, Hindi and Gujarati medium.
This year exam pattern has changed, It is advisable to check exam pattern and syllabus before starting the registration process.
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