Udaipur appeared to be among the top 10 employment provider (tier III) cities of India in the fourth quarter of fiscal 2010-11 (between Jan to March 11th) according to jobs tracked by the
Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India (ASSOCHAM). ![Udaipur Among Top Employment Centers in India: ASSOCHAM](https://udaipurtimes.com/static/c1e/client/74416/migrated/b0bcd75ed885b68030dd53ae9b4532a4.jpg)
Udaipur grabbed the 5
th position under tier III cities with shares of jobs up to 9.47 percent, followed by Aurangabad (9.31%), Patiala (8.93%), Jalandhar(8.75%), Meerut (87.69%) and Vishakhapatnam (6.27%) respectively. Education stood at No.1 on the list of top 5 employment providing sectors in Udaipur with FMCG at second, Management at third and Hospitality and Insurance at fourth and fifth positions. Ranchi emerged as top employment provider city followed by Mangalore, Mysore and Raipur under tier III cities. Pune has come out as the lead employment provider among tier II cities with a share of 21.5 per cent followed by Lucknow and Pondicherry with a portion of 15.5 per cent and 11.5 per cent respectively out of the total jobs tracked by
ASSOCHAM. In a Study on `
New Employment Centre in Tier II & Tier III Cities’