Udaipur has highest number of graduates in state: Census

Udaipur has highest number of graduates in state: Census

In a recent Census-2011 conducted on educational status municipal corporation/municipal council wise, Udaipur, the city of lakes has ranked on the top with highest percentage of graduates in the state.


Udaipur has highest number of graduates in state: Census

In a recent Census-2011 conducted on educational status municipal corporation/municipal council wise, Udaipur, the city of lakes has ranked on the top with highest percentage of graduates in the state.

The city has 26 graduates for every 100 persons followed by Jaipur with 24% population having academic qualification as bachelors and above. However, on the national level, Mohali in Punjab is leading among the 506 surveyed cities in India with 44% population having completed graduation.

In Rajasthan, the survey was conducted in 28 cities including six corporations- Jaipur, Udaipur, Kota, Ajmer, Jodhpur and Bikaner.

When the survey was conducted, the major disappointment was Jaipur and Ajmer with only 24% and 17% graduate population, respectively despite of having a much higher number of educational institutes as compared to other cities.

Explaining the reason, educationist KB Kothari said, “The gender divide in terms of enrolment in higher education institutes in Rajasthan is among the highest in the country. The percentage of males is matching the national average but when it comes to women, it is way behind.”

Overall, the state figures in terms of graduates are very disappointing as compared to cities in other states.

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