[Inside Story] Udaipur's Online Gamers & Game of Hopes

[Inside Story] Udaipur's Online Gamers & Game of Hopes

For the nascent stage of Online Gaming in India, specifically Udaipur I would like to say we are fighting for a brick when there is an entire skyscraper to be had. Online gaming is hardly talked subject in town, in spite of having thousands of internet users as well as techno savvy mob.


For the nascent stage of Online Gaming in India, specifically Udaipur I would like to say we are fighting for a brick when there is an entire skyscraper to be had. Online gaming is hardly talked subject in town, in spite of having thousands of internet users as well as techno savvy mob.

Still, there dwell some keen minds, overpowered with fiction and fantasy. They represent Techie fortune by magic of their minds and fingers. They are true online Gamers. Today I am talking about online gaming and emerging core gamers in Udaipur.

[Inside Story] Udaipur's Online Gamers & Game of Hopes

To just have a view regarding gamers, based on their level of involvement, they can be classified as-

  1. Casual gamers – This genre of gamers constitutes of those who play for the sake of fun or a quick break. Most of us fall in this category only, when we enjoy ourselves by playing Poker, Sudoku, Chess or some popular Facebook games like Word Challenge, YoVille, Farmville, Mafia Wars etc.
  2. Core or serious gamers – For core gamers, someone rightly said:

They are definitely not gaming just to game; there is always something else that drives them to game”.

Core gamers are not easy to understand. They are driven by number of factors like challenge, social interaction, escape & exploration that defines their passion towards gaming. They are community based gamers, who generally have peer group in gaming. They play LAN-based, massively multi-player online games (MMOG’s) or massively multiplayer online role playing games (MMORPG’s).

[Inside Story] Udaipur's Online Gamers & Game of Hopes

I had a word with some core gamers of Udaipur, and I was simply spellbound by their diligence towards gaming. Sitting in a room, gazing the screen, they rule their own world in their own ways.

They are known by their In Game Name (IGN) i.e., their identity in online world. So, here I am addressing them by the same. I talked to Bhuvan Paliwal also known as (aka) ‘The Chosen One’, Parth Singh Saini aka ‘DareDeviL’ and Vajrasar aka ‘Jason Smith’.

1.What was the first thing that hit your interest in online gaming?

The Chosen One– It is because I like challenges and I found it in online gaming where I can compete with players from all over the world and also it’s a great time pass.

DareDeviL– I have been playing video games since I was a kid. But playing against computer was never interesting. One day, I and my friends tried playing against each other in a game-parlor. And oh my god! It was real fun. And I’ve been playing this ever since.

Jason Smith– You can say it’s like a born feeling. I played my first role playing game as DUKE NUKEM 3D, it was awesome, whenever I was playing I had a feeling of being able to takeover anything on any base, I feel like God (obviously stupid feeling though) that time. After that I never turned my back on gaming as I entered on the grounds of HALF LIFE, that game made me a game freak.


2. What are the latest games you are playing?

The Chosen One – FIFA 2010, Ashes Cricket 2009, Age of Empires 3. My all time favorite is Counter Strike.

DareDeviL – Counter Strike 1.6(FPS), Counter Strike Source (FPS), Travian(Strategy).

Jason Smith- First of all, according to me there are no latest or outdated things in games, the game you are playing is latest for you. I engage myself in COUNTER STRIKE over WAN though, to fill up my appetite.


[Inside Story] Udaipur's Online Gamers & Game of Hopes

3. What are the gaming systems you are using and what are the necessary requirements for good audio and video qualities?

The Chosen One – Most Gaming systems lack a good graphic card. Also most of the times the keyboard, mouse are not of good quality.

DareDeviL – I use a system with AMD Phenom quad core processor, 2GB DDR3 RAM, 512MB ATI Radeon, but still I find it way too less to play latest FPS (First Person Shooter) games online. Fortunately, popular games like Counter Strike 1.6 can be played comfortably on normal PCs as well.

A gaming system must have a graphic card (at least 256MB) and a good processor (Dual or Quad or better) besides all this, 512 kbps internet connection is as important as wings for an airplane.

Jason Smith- First of all, the system on which usually so called 60% of “gamers” play is a computer with fancy small capacity RAM and entry level graphic card, me too is from same clan. But let me tell you the fact that, if you want to have whole eye candy and vibes of any game then you need just three words “GOOD GRAPHIC CARD”.


4. What Udaipur is lacking in this particular fantasized Online gaming world?

The Chosen One – Udaipur lacks in the number of good gaming parlors. Also some colleges do not allow students for organizing online gaming events.

DareDeviL – First, good hardware shops are needed.  Shopkeepers keep stuff that people buy. Worse fact is that some misdirect their customers with the myths they have.

Second, there is no good game parlor that can host Clan Matches.

Third, there is no Game-Server in Udaipur. So, we have to play on Mumbai/Delhi servers. This results in high-ping (Latency).

Jason Smith- First thing lacking here is KNOWLEDGE, I have seen many potential gamers around, but all give up as they think “gaming” is a time pass.

Second is NETWORKING. There is need of some sort of communication channel between gamers themselves, in Udaipur there is no such thing. I have played counter strike in sift game dorms in Udaipur and to my amazement, I have seen hell awesome gamers from Udaipur there, where are they? I didn’t even saw there faces.

Last is FACILITY, in Udaipur there is not even a proper gaming hub, and if there is then, they ask money amount as big as to be needed in a major heart transplant. Pune and Kota are much more awesome on facility thing.


5. So what can be the solution of this problem?

The Chosen One – Firstly, such events should be organized at college level; this will produce the required enthusiasm for such games and will result in development of more gaming parlors.

DareDeviL – At least one shop that can understand the need of a gamer, and can help him customize his system. And having an Organization, who can manage clan matches, would be awesome!!!

Jason Smith – Just introduce one good, big, spacious, and moreover cheap GAMING PARLOUR and you will see many emerging gamers there from Udaipur.


6. What keeps you intact with core online gaming?

The Chosen One – You get to know people of your interests, team games help improve the skills for working with a team, leadership, coordination etc., Also gaming takes my mind off from daily matters.

DareDeviL – I really enjoy playing it. Also, you get to know more people.

Jason Smith- Online gaming is only interesting to me when one have good online games, and as far as I see there is only one name nowadays and i.e. COUNTER STRIKE, and most importantly online gaming gives me opportunity to build my network from other gamers.


7. How much do you play daily?

The Chosen One- Not daily, but during any event our team, Fraggers practice for 3-5 hrs/day. On average, 30-40 hours a month.

DareDeviL – 10 hrs/day

Jason Smith- Give me a game and a nice PC; I can play 24 hours, but as of now I am busy with MCA so I play 2-3 hrs/day.


8. Beside playing for entertainment, what are your achievements in this particular area?

The Chosen One – My clan, Fraggers stood two times back-to-back winner at TechnoHolix, GITS, and Udaipur in Counter-Strike Source. We also won in “EA Sports Cricket 2007” at an event at EDEN animation academy at Lodha complex, Udaipur.

DareDeviL – There are not much of the competitions going in city. Still, my Clan, Lethality stood second at TechnoHolix, GITS Udaipur.

Jason Smith– NO, never got any chance to show anyone what I have got.


It’s the new buzzword, with challenges, escape, thrill and excitement. If you are also part of this chimera, than drop your contact info, so that this community of online gamers can catch up!!

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