On August 29, a unique mass wedding ceremony was witnessed at Udaipur. In the midst of the recital of Vedic mantras, fifty couples were united in wedlock on Monday at Seva Mahatirtha in Liyo Ka Guda on the second day of the 38th free Disabled and Destitute Mass Wedding ceremony organised under the auspices of Narayan Seva Sansthan. Each couple received a plant sapling to be planted outside their homes as well as trash cans to keep their homes tidy. All couples took oath that they will protect the plant and will keep their surroundings clean.
The marriage ceremony began with Ganpati Vandana in the presence of Deepika Meghwal, the Assistant Commissioner for Devasthan, State Vice President PCC Manohar Lal Gupta, and Tikam Chand Bohra, the CEO of Rajasthan Heritage Conservation. Disabled and impoverished brothers and sisters, who had never envisioned getting married viewing their handicap and poverty as tragedy, are achieving this with the support of society, stated Founder-Chairman Padmashree Kailash.
According to Prashant Agarwal, President of the Narayan Seva Sansthan, the majority of impoverished and disabled couples from states like Rajasthan, Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar among others, received free disability correction surgery at the Sansthan's facility. They also received training focused on the work in order to promote independence and rehabilitation.
Henna Ritual
During the Henna ritual, Director Vandana Agarwal and visitors from various states performed songs and danced to the rhythm of the dholak. Mehndi was used to decorate the brides' hands with their husbands' names. The groom then carried out the Toran procedure. Following this, the Vedic rites were carried out by the 50 altar-kunds' Acharyas under the guidance of the Chief Acharya.
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