Bollywood singer Jass Manak was scheduled to perform in Udaipur on 5th February. The show was to be held in Shubh Kesar Garden at 100 feet road, Shobhagpura.
Public created a ruckus when the singer did not turn up for the show until 10 p.m. on Wednesday. They went up the stage in anger and police had to be called for taking the situation in control.
A case of fraud has also been registered aginst the show organiser Rahul. The concert was supposed to begin at 6 p.m. in Shubh Kesar Garden for which public had spent 500 to 1000 rupees on the tickets.
As per reports, the singer did not turn up until 10 p.m. and then the organisers informed that the Bollywood singer was not coming for the concert. This irated the public to a great extent and they went up the stage and created a huge ruckus.
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